Policies & procedures
If your child is absent, please send a note to the office the day he/she returns to school or within three (3) days of the absence. Notes can be given to the teacher or the office.
For information on how to submit absence notes through Skyward, see Student Attendance in Skyward.
The tardy bell rings at 8:10 a.m., students arriving after 8:20 a.m. are given a partial absence for the day. Students leaving before 3 p.m. are given a partial absence for the day.
Pick-up and drop-off
Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure our children have a safe arrival to school each morning, as well as an efficient system for our parents:
Crosswalk Safety Tips:
• Slow down and be prepared to stop when entering a crosswalk.
• Yield to pedestrians in crosswalk and stop well behind the crosswalk.
• Never pass vehicles stopped at a crosswalk.
Proper Procedures for Dropping Off Students :
- The main crosswalk is the only crosswalk to be used in the morning.
- Only use the right lane closest to the building for drop off. This allows all children to exit to the sidewalk, which will prevent students from being in dangerous situations with other cars.
- Ensure your child is ready to unload when you stop the car. This means backpack ready, shoes tied, goodbyes said. Unlock your car door and direct your child to exit the vehicle efficiently.
- Remain in your vehicle. If you need to exit your vehicle, pull forward and pass the main crosswalk. If your child needs to exit on the left side of the car due to a car seat, pull forward and pass the main crosswalk.
- Students may go to their classrooms starting at 7:45 am. Students arriving between 7:30-7:45 will go to the gym and sit with their grade level.
- Children dropped prior to 7:30 will need to wait outside until the building opens.
Proper Procedures for Picking Up Students :
There are 3 options for dismissal; Car riders, walkers, and Bus/daycare
- Bus/Daycare riders will be dismissed through the back cafeteria doors.
- Car Riders: Please pull in the front driveway and display your PikMyKid card on your front dashboard. Students will be dismissed from the classrooms when their ride is announced through PikMyKid. Be sure and pull as far forward as possible to alleviate stopped traffic on the road.
- The main crosswalk will be utilized in the afternoon for students needing to cross the lanes of pick-up traffic. All afternoon crosswalks will have a crossing guard to help students cross the driveway.
- Walkers: Our student walkers will be released at 3:30 through the 5th grade hallway doors to either walk home or meet up with their parent or guardian off campus.
Abbett has implemented a new pick up system which allows our students to stay safely in their classrooms until it is time for them to be released.
All visitors (even the familiar faces) must sign in at the office. Please provide a photo identification to our friendly office staff!
Lunch visitors must sign in at the office before proceeding to the cafeteria.
Campus improvement plan
A Campus Improvement Plan serves as the blueprint for how a campus will address performance objectives and other campus needs that have been identified from a Campus Needs Assessment.
The Campus School Parent Compact is intended to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement.
Online student services requests
Looking to be an All Star? Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, withdraw or request a transcript? It's easy to start the processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started!
If you have additional questions, please contact our campus Data Clerk.
Kayla Newberry
District policies
To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.
- Student Code of Conduct & Handbook (PDF)
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) (PDF)
- Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)-Spanish (PDF)
- Parent Involvement
Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.