
Librarian information 

  • Jessica Tanguy, Librarian 
  • Michelle Urrutia, Library Aide
students reading on a couch in the library
boy reading on the couch


Texas Bluebonnet award

Only students in grades 3-5 participate in this reading program sponsored by the Texas Library Association.  Students must read at least 5 books from a selected group of 20 in order to be eligible to vote at the end of January for their favorite.  New titles for the current school year are now available.

2024 Bluebonnet winner

students standing by door holding book and basketball

Abbett students voted for this year's Bluebonnett award winner. 

The winning book for 2024 was...

The Legend of Gravity by Charly Palmer




Read Across America Week

Sponsored by NEA, Read Across America Week encourages all students to deepen their understanding of others through reading books.  Throughout the week students were introduced to a variety of diverse books from all over the United States.  Students and staff participated in dress up days, book trivia, and daily school wide read alouds.  

kindergarten students dressed as Texans for read across america week
students wearing sports shirts


students dressed in green color sitting on couch
students sitting on couch with books and bears


Learning in library

All students visit the library every week to participate in a literacy lesson and check-out new books. Each week students are exposed to different genres of literature through read alouds.  Students in kindergarten may check out one book each week.  Students in 1st and 2nd grade may check out two books each week.  Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade are able to check out three books each week.  Student work is displayed throughout the building to help create a welcoming environment. 

reading helps your mind bloom bulletin board
adventure awaits bulletin board


You've Been Book'd Program

All classes had the opportunity to participate in the You've Been Book'd program sponsored by the Abbett Librarian, Mrs. Tanguy.  Classes that signed up would receive a red Book'd bag on their classroom door each week with a new read aloud inside.  Teachers would spend 10-15 minutes reading the story to their class and then return the book to the library to travel to another class.  Students and teachers love the Book'd program and eagerly await their next Book'd bag.  All classes that completed the first Book'd challenge received a free book of their choice for the classroom. 

students holding red bags
students holding books
students holding books









Library catalogs

library catalog logo

Find books, ebooks, and other resources by visiting your school's library catalog. If you need help with any of these resources, please contact your school librarian.

Online instructional resources

Online Instructional Resources are available to all students, teachers, parents, and administrators from any district or non-district computer.

Local library links