Physical Education

Fun in P.E.

Coach Schaefer and Mrs. Lo have lots of great lessons to get the students playing, physically active, learning, and growing through out the school year!

For the safety of ALL Physical Education students, each child MUST wear the appropriate shoes during PE Class.  Please do not allow your child to wear sandals, cowboy boots, skate shoes, shoes without a back, clogs, or cleats on their PE days. If your child chooses to wear them to school, please put tennis shoes in their backpack so they can change for PE Class.  Shoes are expected to be tied appropriately for class. The girls must also wear shorts under their dresses and skirts.

Students who need to be excused from Physical Education class due to illness or injury MUST have a note (written, email, fax, Dojo) from a parent/guardian or doctor.

For the best protection of your child, the Physical Education Department needs to know of ANY medical problems or conditions that would limit his or her participation at any time.  Please advise the Physical Education Department of any that may exist or arise during the school year.

We look forward to a year of playing, learning and GROWING together in 2024-25.


Events coming up: 

-All grades will participate in the AHA Kids Heart Challenge during PE classes,  February 3rd - February 14th.


-Abbett Elementary will have it's annual Field Day Friday, May 2nd.  We will need parent volunteers to help run the events for the students.  A back ground check must be completed by April 28th.


four students holding a basketball and smiling
3 boys standing together during field day