School spirit & history

Austin Academy fight song

Eagles are fighting for us.
Eagles are flying for us.
Eagles are winning for us.
They'll pass the test.

Same verse with the following end lines:

We'll beat the rest.
Soar to the crest.
We're still the best.

Chant in the middle of the song:

We can fly!
Watch us soar!
Mighty Eagles, build the score!
Go Eagles!

School colors

Green, black and white

School mascot


School history

Austin Academy for Excellence has served the Texas communities of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse since 1987. The school serves over 900 students in grades six through eight. Spaces are reserved for students from the surrounding neighborhood. The remaining spaces go to high achieving students who meet academic qualifications and/or students that have been identified as musically/artistically talented.  Talented students earn spaces through audition in music, or, in art, the submission of a portfolio, interview with a committee, and completion of work in the presence of the committee. Students are ranked in each category, and vacancies are filled with the highest scoring students. Once a student enters the program, he or she is guaranteed a place as long as he or she maintains the required academic and discipline standards.

Austin Academy offers an educational environment that includes high standards and challenging curricula. Over 400 students are enrolled in high school credit Spanish, French, Mandarin, or American Sign Language.  Over 250 are enrolled in high school credit algebra or geometry.  Because active learning best suits the needs of middle school students, active instructional strategies are prevalent in our classrooms. Teachers balance teaching common curriculum elements with opportunities for students to choose their own learning. Research, analysis, and sharing of results are common instructional elements in all of our classrooms. Students utilize resources at our campus and in the community. These practices help students develop the independent learning skills necessary for success in a society that increasingly values life-long learners.

With a diverse student body that includes students of many ethnicities and who live in many different parts of our school district, Austin Academy works to teach students the value of diversity and the history and contributions of people of many backgrounds. Although a magnet school, our instructional program is designed around the philosophy that every student deserves access to the most rigorous academic program in which he or she can succeed. All students at Austin Academy are encouraged to participate in our advanced academic classes and fine arts programs.

Austin Eagles...Soar