James McGoffin Back Elementary School
Address: 7300 Bluebonnet Drive, Rowlett, TX 75089
Email: a140@garlandisd.net
Phone: 972-475-1884
Fax: 972-412-5245
Year opened: 1985
Grades: Pre-K to 5th grade
Enrollment: 415
School hours
8:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Carolyn Lee, Principal
Annette Medina, Assistant Principal
Ratings & reports
For the most current ratings, reports, and performance planning, visit our school profile page on the district website.
Mission statement
The mission of Back Elementary School is to provide a quality education for all students emphasizing high expectations and strong work habits within a safe environment for learning.
Each student will be empowered for a lifetime of learning, responsible citizenship and productive employment in the modern world.
For the 2021-2022 school year, Back Elementary School earned an A rating. Back Elementary School earned distinction designations in the following areas:
- Academic Achievement in English Language Arts/Reading
- Academic Achievement in Mathematics
- Academic Achievement in Science
- Top 25% in Comparative Academic Growth
- Top 25% in Comparative Closing the Gaps
- Postsecondary Readiness
Leading the way
Back Elementary is a small residential school with a family friendly feel and a positive environment for student learning and growing. We provide the rigor in teaching that is so important today with caring, respect and tenderness towards our students.
Each grade participates in field trips every year.
Our Special Education Department consists of ABC, Inclusion, Resource, and Speech.
Our RTI intervention team provides support for students.
Tutoring is available and will be arranged by your child's teacher.
Technology is used daily in classrooms. We have 2 computer labs which hold 60 computers and all grade levels have devices available in the classroom with programs for all grades such as ReadyHub.
School activities and programs are planned regularly for fun and socializing like Field Day, College Week, Red Ribbon Week, Library Week, art and music programs, activities and events sponsored by the Back PTA and our beginning of the year Porch Party.
Back Elementary offers a variety of clubs and organizations to promote leadership, physical fitness, and the arts.
Safety is a key concern at Back Elementary. Mandatory fire drills, tornado drills and lock down practices are held to ensure all staff and students are familiar with GISD procedures. Additionally, all visitors must check in through the GISD Raptor system to enter school.