College and career readiness electives
The STEAMschool Electives Program provides opportunities for Beaver students to explore and learn content beyond the traditional curriculum available to elementary students. The purpose of this program is to expose students to potential areas of interest for their 21st century careers.
Each cycle, a course catalog describes the electives being offered. Each student selects several courses of interest, and registers online. Catalog highlights include the expansion of Lego Robotics and Minecraft courses to offer students more advanced options.
As our partnerships have increased, so have the courses we have been able to provide for students. We welcome parents and community members to contact us if they are interested in participating.
Project based learning
Project Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching model we embrace at Beaver. The process integrates core content with technology in a 21st century environment.
Students gain knowledge and skills by investigating and responding to a complex challenge. Using the PBL process, students understand content more deeply.
They also learn how to take responsibility, communicate ideas, and develop innovative solutions – all important life skills. With our plentiful technology, Beaver students can connect with experts, partners, and audiences around the world.
At Beaver, students are engaged in authentic collaboration and problem-solving as they develop real-world skills and habits.
Field Trips
Online resources
Skyward is our student information system. Use Skyward Family Access to find student grades, attendance and more.
DimensionU consists of four engaging and interactive multiplayer video games that focus on core skills in math and literacy. Each game is designed with unique features that bring out distinct academic and strategic skills in students.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.