WOW Time

Counseling classroom with furniture

Working on Wellness

Each month Beaver MST students visit the W.O.W. Room for thirty minutes of W.O.W. Time with our school counselor, Ms. Sinclair. W.O.W. stands for Working on Wellness. Students learn life-long skills to cultivate their emotional wellness and academic growth.

Students  using laptops in classroom with counselor for lesson.

Monthly topics include friendship-making skills, positive self-image, emotional regulation, calm-down strategies, study skills, and many more.

August - Meet Your Counselor

counselor and student smiling

During the month of September, Beaver Stars will learn about the role of their School Counselor and what the counseling program offers. Students will learn how to request to see the School Counselor for individual needs and the types of small group counseling they can participate in. 3rd - 5th grade students will take a Needs Assessment to identify concerns and needs. Students will also learn how the School Counselor helps students solve problems, works with parents and teachers, and teaches classroom lessons. 

September - Study Skills

Beaver Stars set the tone for the year by learning about study skills that will help them succeed academically. Students learned about using their work time wisely and using whole body listening. Older students learned what type of learner they are and how to use an Effort Meter to determine how much effort they are putting into their work. Study Skills help all students to improve their academic success by strengthening their soft skills. 

October - Healthy Living

During the month of October, Beaver Stars will learn about making healthy choices for themselves. Students learn about eating healthy food, getting enough rest, proper hygiene, and staying away from unhealthy choices.

The upper grades are informed about drugs and alcohol and the importance of making healthy choices to reach our goals for the future!

November and December - Friendship & Conflict Resolution

During the months of November and December, Beaver Stars will learn about good friendship skills and how to resolve conflict. The younger grades learn about what makes a good friend and that conflict can occur in all relationships. They also learn the difference between tattling and reporting problems. The upper grades learn about being bystanders and upstanders, as well as the four types of conflict. Fourth and fifth graders learn the difference between disagreements, rude moments, mean moments, and bullying. Students learn about how to resolve conflict using the Kelso Choice Wheel.

January - Career Exploration

In January, Beaver Stars learn about various career paths. Younger students make connections with their areas of interest and strengths, as well as learn about different types of jobs. Older students take part in a career inventory to help narrow down a field they may be interested in. 

February - Kindness Month

Beaver Stars celebrate kindness throughout the entire month of February. Every week students participate in kindness challenges that begin in our classrooms and extend out into our community. Beaver Tech hosts a spring service project during this month and collects items to help different organizations in need. Students practice gratitude by saying thank you to important people in their lives.

March - Diversity & Acceptance

During the month of March, Beaver students learn about how our differences make each of us unique and special. Beaver students learn about cultural differences, learning differences, and physical differences. Beaver Stars learn the importance of understanding and accepting those we may be different from. 

April - Feelings & Coping Strategies

Beaver Stars learn how to handle worry and stress by practicing test-taking and coping strategies. Students practice belly-breathing, grounding techniques, yoga, and stretching. Students identify various feelings and review the Zones of Regulation. 

May - Personal Safety

Beaver Stars learn about keeping themselves safe no matter where they are. They will learn about kitchen, car, swim, and bike safety. They will also learn about abuse and what to do if someone tries to hurt them. Students will learn three steps for staying safe: say no, get away, and tell an adult.