Signature programs
Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a schoolwide college readiness program that offers a structured, rigorous curriculum. AVID prepares students to develop deep content knowledge, utilize specific strategies for reading, writing, thinking and speaking. Students learn to develop habits and behaviors to be college ready.
Learn more about AVID.
Classical Center Magnet
The Brandenburg Dance Department provides a high quality and well-rounded dance education for all students.
Dancers learn proper dance technique, choreography, history, self-discipline, and performance skills. We teach ballet, jazz, tap, contemporary, hip-hop, and beginning choreography.
Learn more about our Dance program.
Gymnastics provides students with a variety of physical challenges to fully develop agility, balance and coordination. The curriculum includes vaulting, tumbling, balance beam, uneven bars, pommel horse, rings and parallel/horizontal bars.
Learn more about our Gymnastics program.
Classical Center students learn the art of playing piano. There are course offerings for beginning to advanced level players. Students perform at recitals and festivals.
Learn more about our Piano program.
The Classical Center Magnet at Brandenburg also offers other programs for students. Visit our Classical Center Magnet page to learn more.