Policies & procedures

Arrival and dismissal

School hours for grades PreK-5 are 8:10 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Attendance information

All students are required to be in school every day. We understand that illness occurs and doctor appointments must be made occasionally, but every effort needs to be made to have your child in class.

  • The following absences require a note within 3 days in order to be excused:
    • Illness - note written by parent.
    • Excessive absences due to illness will require doctor notes.
    • Doctor appointment - note written by the Doctor (appointment for child only).
    • Religious holiday other than GISD scheduled holidays - note written by the religious leader or program from the celebration.
    • Death in the family - note written by parent (up to 3 days excused for out of town services).
  • All notes need to include the child's name, date of absence, reason for absence and date note is written.
  • If a student needs to leave early during the day, an adult must come to the office and ask for the student, presenting a driver's license or ID for identification and verification by office staff that the adult is allowed to pick up the student.
  • A student who arrives after 8:10 a.m. will be given a tardy slip.

Online Student Services requests

Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, withdraw, or request a transcript? It's easy to start common processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the campus data clerk:

Sandy Arciniega



Campus Improvement Plan

A Campus Improvement Plan serves as the blueprint for how a campus will address performance objectives and other campus needs that have been identified from a Campus Needs Assessment.

Standardized dress policy   

Bullock Elementary has adopted the Standardized Dress Code. 

Students may wear:

  • Khaki or navy pants, knee length shorts, jumpers, skirts or skorts
  • Red, white or navy polo style shirts with no logos
  • Closed shoes
  • Students must have a belt and shirts should be tucked in at all times.
  • Sweaters or sweatshirts must be solid navy, red, or white and worn over polo style shirts.

If you have questions, please call the office at (972) 494-8308. 

Title I

The Campus Parent Involvement Policy explains how our campus supports the important role of parents in the educations of their children.  We offer a Parent Compact to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement.


For volunteer applications, background check forms and additional information about volunteering in GISD, visit the Volunteer page

District policies

To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.

Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.