
Nikki Smith, Librarian

Debbie Stewart, Library Aide

Open library

In addition to regularly-scheduled library times each week, Open Library times are available during the school day.

myON announcements

See additional myON online resources for ideas. Remember: if you read offline, be sure to log into myON with WiFi so your activity is counted.


Reading incentive programs

We are excited about the addition of Renaissance myON to our resources.

Reading aloud to your children

There are so many benefits to reading aloud to your children. Here are just some of them:

  • To start, reading aloud sets the stage for viewing reading as an enjoyable, worthwhile activity.
  • Hearing books read aloud tends to make children into better readers themselves.
  • Language and speech development tend to improve from hearing books read aloud, including exposure to new words, their meaning, and how to correctly pronounce them.
  • Reading aloud provides a model for how sentences are structured.
  • Reading aloud helps children learn to listen for meaning, which is a lifelong skill.
  • Reading aloud encourages the development of curiosity and imagination.
  • Reading aloud is a great opportunity for parent and child bonding.

Beyond school, and home, public libraries are a place in the community where families can experience read aloud story times together.

Garland's Nicholson Memorial Public Library System offers a variety of read aloud story time experiences at the North Garland, South Garland, Central, and Walnut Creek branches. This is a great opportunity to expose your children to the experience of having books read aloud. For information about other story times and educational programs at Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse public libraries, please click on the library links at the bottom of this page.

Library catalogs

library catalog logo

Find books, ebooks, and other resources by visiting your school's library catalog. If you need help with any of these resources, please contact your school librarian.

Online instructional resources

Online Instructional Resources are available to all students, teachers, parents, and administrators from any district or non-district computer.

Local library links