
Theater art activities are included as part of regular classroom activities. In addition to that, all students participate in our elementary fine arts program of music and art.


Welcome to Mr. McCoy's Music classroom! 

In Music class, students learn the basics of music, which are used as building blocks as they advance grade levels. Music class provides an environment for students to learn musical concepts that they may use to creatively express themselves. Students sing, listen, move, play musical instruments and games, watch musical performances, and more. Music has a multitude of hidden treasures that are taught in between the lines. It gives students an opportunity to learn new skills and interact among their peers. 

Our goal is not only to raise great musicians, but to raise great people. Our hope is that every child will find success in their music that will later translate into a variety of life endeavors.


Welcome to Ms. Munetsi's Art classroom!

I wanted to welcome all my students and mostly express that Art is about being creative while having fun! Participation is an important factor for improving our Art skills. And therefore, I look forward to all of you participating, being creative, and having fun.

Be a Garland ISD VIP 

With a special VIP pass, community members can get free general admission to many athletic and Fine Arts events at district facilities.

Visit the Garland ISD VIP pass page for more details.

Clear Bag Policy

To help ensure a safe and respectful environment for guests, Garland ISD has put into effect a Clear Bag Policy for all GISD middle and high school athletic events and fine arts performances.  

Learn more on our Clear Bag Policy page.