Meet your counselor
Ms. Taylor has been in the Educational field for 35 years. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Baylor University and a Masters of Education in School Counseling from Dallas Baptist University. Ms. Taylor taught 3rd grade in DeSoto ISD for 3 years and 4th grade in Garland ISD for 7 years. She was previously the School Counselor at Watson Technology Center and is so excited to be the new School Counselor at Centerville this year! Check out Ms. Taylor’s Virtual Counseling Office. You can reach Ms. Taylor at 972-926-2510.
Ms. Taylor teaches a monthly SEL lesson to each grade level. These lessons are scheduled during a time slot chosen by each teacher.
Lesson topics may include:
- Orientation to the Counselor
- Feelings/Emotions/Coping Skills
- Kindness/Compassion/Empathy
- Anti-bullying
- Multiple Intelligences
- College/Career
- Conflict Resolution
- Other lessons based on need
Group counseling
Small groups will be conducted throughout the year. Parent permission will be needed for students to participate
Individual counseling
Students may be referred for counseling by parents, teachers, and administration. Self-referrals can be made by 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students.
Social emotional learning
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a priority at Centerville Elementary because it teaches our students vital skills they will need throughout their lives. SEL also promotes a sense of community within the classroom and the school environment.
SEL focuses on the development of important skills including understanding and managing emotions, setting and achieving positive goals, feeling and showing empathy for others, establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and making responsible decisions.
Centerville Elementary is proud to utilize the three signature practices of SEL each day. Our day begins with our Social Emotional Learning Check In of the Day. Throughout the day teachers use engaging practices like our Cheetah Chat slides, brain breaks, and AVID cheers to keep students engaged in learning and to help them feel a part of our school family. Our day ends with teachers asking a question of the day to allow students to reflect on their day and to end the day on a positive note.
Centerville Elementary School Counseling Mission Statement
The mission of the Centerville Elementary School Counseling Program is to assist all students as they grow to become productive citizens and responsible, lifelong learners as they navigate their academic development, personal, social and emotional growth, and career exploration.
Centerville Elementary School Counseling Vision Statement
The vision of the Centerville Elementary Counseling Program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program that promotes social emotional health, fosters academic excellence, and expands the career development of all students allowing them to reach their full potential within a safe and nurturing environment while ensuring equal access to all.
What can my counselor do for me?
Counselors will help you by:
providing study skills and academic information
help 5th grade students with middle school registration
helping in teacher/student relationships
helping cope with family issues
listening to concerns about friends, etc.
giving you information about life and decision-making skills
referring you to people or places outside of school for help if necessary
being your advocate – counselors are here for you!
Counselors for each campus are certified by the state of Texas in School Counseling, have a Master’s Degree, and previous teaching experience. Each elementary school has a guidance counselor to help ensure that adequate support for helping students to succeed and meet their goals is available.
Visit the district website for more information about the GISD Guidance & Counseling programs
School Counselors help students by:
Creating and teaching school-wide classroom lessons that focus on academic, career, and social/emotional skills
Working with small groups of students to meet specific needs and practice skills
Assisting students in goal-setting and decision making
Providing responsive services for crisis intervention, conflict resolution, and specific concerns through small group or individual counseling
Helpful Parenting Websites
Bullying Policy
In our effort to prevent bullying, throughout the year, Centerville Elementary participates in multiple opportunities to educate students about bullying, including:
- Be a HERO (Helpful, Encouraging, Respectful, On-Task)
- Friendship Card Game
- Character Education
- Guidance Lessons
- Super Hero Bingo
What is bullying?
The district defines bullying as "Written or verbal expression or physical conduct that (1) has the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student’s person or of damage to the student’s property; or (2) is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment for a student.
Bullying may involve, but is not limited to, any of the following actions that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment:
Repeated teasing or name calling
Sexual, religious, or racial harassment
Public humiliation
Social exclusion
Spreading rumors
*Cyberbullying is willful harassment and/or intimidation of a person through the use of digital technologies.
Please reference the Garland ISD Student Code of Conduct and Handbook on the Policies page for more information on Garland ISD and bullying.
No student should be subjected to bullying or harassment that interferes with their ability to learn or their safety.
Visit the Bullying Prevention and Investigation page on the district website for more information and resources.
Anonymous Alerts®
You can use the Anonymous Alerts® webform or mobile app to quickly, easily and anonymously report bullying, cyberbullying and other sensitive topics to school officials.
Anonymous Alerts® is monitored by GISD Security 24-hours daily and should only be used for serious and urgent matters. In the event of an emergency or life-threatening event, always call 911.
Download the app
To place a report from a mobile device, first download the free Anonymous Alerts® app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Then open the app and enter activation code garlandisd.