2018-19 High school Ready 1:1 changes
Posted 08/01/2018 06:47PM

Beginning with the 2018-19 school year, high school students who choose to participate in the Ready 1:1 iPad program will be required to pay $25. A $10 deposit can be made to receive the iPad with the remainder of the fee to be paid prior to the end of the first semester.

The intent is to establish sustainability for the iPad initiative, and proceeds from the annual, non-refundable fee will be used to cover costs directly related to the maintenance and support of the high school Ready 1:1 devices.

Using the Skyward Family Access portal, high school students and their families will have the opportunity to opt in to the Ready 1:1 program online beginning July 30.  The fee can also be paid online through Skyward.

For more information about the iPad program and associated fees, see the Ready 1:1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page.

 1:1 iPads provide students with access to digital resources, online textbooks, and productivity tools. During 2017-18, the participation rate of GISD high school students in the Ready 1:1 program peaked at 96%.

Use the Skyward login link below, beginning July 30, to enroll in the high school iPad program.

Skyward Login