
Grandparents Day

  This is how we celebrate Grandparents Day at Cisneros!


Grandparents are so fun

Hispanic Hertiage

Hola! Bienbenidos a mi cultura

Hello! Welcome to my culture

Collins Aerospace generosity


Cisneros Pre K building

Cisneros Pre K embraces all challenges, welcome all diversities, and love our cubbies

Recent News


Snacks and Previous Year Spirit T shirts will be on sale at the PTA Hispanic Heritage Program  September 17, 2024.  Cash Only


Students will enjoy a holiday.

Students will have the day as a holiday off. Staff will come in for a staff development day.

Delegate meeting for the Council of PTAs.

General meeting for Garland ISD's Council of PTAs. These meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month.

The campus principal or their designee, the PTA president, and two council delegates are invited to attend each general meeting.  Please note that meetings will either be at Harris Hill or Student Services due to room availability.

To learn more, see the PTA Council website.

Remember to set your clocks forward one hour.

Daylight Saving Time begins. Remember to set your clocks forward one hour.

The third grading period ends on March 14.

The third grading period runs from Jan. 7 to March 14.

Teachers, students and staff will enjoy a spring holiday.

Enjoy your Spring Break! Staff and students will return to school on March 24.

Teachers, students and staff will enjoy a spring holiday.

Enjoy your Spring Break! Staff and students will return to school on March 24.

Teachers, students and staff will enjoy a spring holiday.

Enjoy your Spring Break! Staff and students will return to school on March 24.

Teachers, students and staff will enjoy a spring holiday.

Enjoy your Spring Break! Staff and students will return to school on March 24.

Teachers, students and staff will enjoy a spring holiday.

Enjoy your Spring Break! Staff and students will return to school on March 24.

abc blocks

Library, gym, bathrooms
& lockers sized for
Pre-K children

family holding hands

Strong family

paint pallet with music note

Art & music
integrated into
classroom activities