Policies & procedures

All our policies and procedures are put into place to ensure that our students and staff are able to make the most of our instructional time. We strive to include as much information here as possible. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have questions or suggestions for how we can improve the way we serve our students and families.

Dress code

Club Hill students wear standardized dress.

students wearing standardized dress

Students are encouraged to wear school spirit wear with jeans each Friday. Students may wear college shirts on each Wednesday.

  • Shirts : Red, White, or Navy Polo style shirts with collars. Short or long sleeves, no logos of any kind.
  • Pants/Shorts : Navy or khaki, shorts need to be finger tip length.
  • Sweaters/Sweatshirts : Red, Navy or White, no logos.
  • Skirts, Skorts, Jumpers : Navy or Khaki, no logos or brand names.
  • Shoes: Sneakers are required for P.E. on a daily basis. Cleats, shoes with wheels, metal plates, Crocs, and tap shoes are not permitted.


Daily school attendance is vital for student academic success. Students are expected to attend every class, everyday, and on time.

Research shows that missing just two days of school a month can negatively affect a student's overall academic performance. Absences also disrupt learning and make it hard to keep up with the lessons being taught.

If your student must be absent, please submit a notification through Skyward. Official doctor notes for absences may be physically turned into the campus, but a digital version (PDF/photo/scan) is preferred. Parents should submit a digital absence note to the school attendance office within three days of returning to school.

If a student has 3 absences, parents will be notified via Skyward/physical letter. If a student has 5 absences, parents will meet and collaborate with administrators about the absences and campus admin may make a home visit if needed. Unexcused voluntary absences for 10 days or more within 6 months (whether in full days or parts of days) violates state law. This may lead to a court referral against the parent, guardian or student.


students having breakfast in the classroom

ALL students receive FREE breakfast and lunch on campus. Student Information Update forms for Back-to-School are currently available online to parents in Skyward. Garland ISD is required to collect and report the economic status of each student to the Texas Education Agency for purposes of the annual state accountability ratings and for federal reporting.

Parent Lunches will start back up on Friday, October 4th. 

Please see the guidelines for dining with your student and grade level schedules for your student's lunchtime.


Students will receive two car tags at the beginning of the year. If guardians misplace their car tag, they will need to bring a valid ID to the front office for a new car tag. Only parents and emergency contacts listed in Skyward will be able to pick up students. Please update Skyward contact information and emergency contacts.

Arrival procedures

Student safety is very important to us. There are no staff members to supervise children prior to 7:30 am. Therefore, students should NOT be dropped off at school prior to this time.

Parent Role: Parents will enter at the front of the school on Colonel Drive and remain in their cars. Parents will continue the flow of traffic and exit to the right onto Colonel Dr. Cars should remain in the right lane (curbside) when entering the drive through. Student Leaders will open the car door for student(s).  A staff member will greet students at their grade-level entry door daily. (ONE lane only in the AM)

Student Role: Students will exit their cars quickly and walk safely to the building and enter the nearest doorway. Grades 3-5 will proceed to the cafeteria, grades Kinder through 2nd will make their way to the gym, and all PreK students will report directly to their classroom.  All students will sit by grade level with supervising staff members until classroom teachers arrives. When the bell rings, children will enter their classroom.

Morning Bus Duty Side Entrance: A staff member will supervise the students entering the building each morning at the side entrance (Merrimac Trail) from 7:30-8:05 am. The staff member will greet students and remind them to walk to either the cafeteria (3rd - 5th) or the gym (kinder - 2nd)  where they will sit quietly until their teacher arrives.

Dismissal procedures

Parent Car pick-up (3rd, 4th, 5th and students with PK - 2nd grade siblings): Parents will enter the front drive through on Colonel Drive and remain in their cars. The middle lane will remain blocked for the safety of the students. Car tags must be visible in the car window for the assigned staff member to verify your identity and call for your student(s). 3rd-5th grade siblings will collect their younger siblings from the front of the building in the music room before getting into their car. Both lanes are open for PM dismissal. 

Parent Car pick-up (PK, Kinder, 1st and 2nd): Parents will enter the side of the building on Merrimac Trail. Parents will enter and remain in their car. There is only one lane of traffic so please pull up to the crosswalk and stop. Car tags must be visible in the car window for the assigned staff member to verify your identity and call for your student(s). Parents will continue the flow of traffic and exit onto Merrimac Trail. 

Bus/ Daycare pick-up: Busses and daycare transportation will enter the side of the building on Merrimac Trail. Drivers will enter and remain in their car. There is only one lane of traffic so please pull up to the crosswalk and stop. Daycare names and bus numbers must be visible for the assigned staff member to verify your identity and call for your student(s). Bus/ Daycare will continue the flow of traffic and exit onto Merrimac Trail. 

Parent Walk-Up (3rd, 4th, 5th and students with PK - 2nd grade siblings): Parents will stand on the sidewalk on the street side with car tags visible. Car tags must be visible in the car window for the assigned staff member to verify your identity and call for your student(s). 3rd-5th grade siblings will collect their younger siblings from the front of the building in the music room before dismissing.

Parent Walk-Up (K, Kinder, 1st and 2nd): Parents will park on the street side and walk to the side door closest to Merrimac Trail. Car tags must be visible in the car window for the assigned staff member to verify your identity and call for your student(s).

crossing guard at crosswalk

Cross walk

When crossing the parking lot, please make sure you are using the cross walk. While waiting in the drive thru lane please remember you cannot park and leave your vehicle. The drive thru lane is a fire lane and will cause unnecessary traffic. To keep traffic flowing please pull up in the drive as far as possible.


Online Student Services requests

Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, or request a transcript? It's easy to start common processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the campus data clerk.

District policies

To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.

Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.