
College bound cougars

5th graders in college t-shirts
2nd graders in college t-shirts
Kindergarteners in college t-shirts
Kindergarteners in college t-shirts
third graders in college t-shirts

Level library

A leveled book collection is a large set of books organized in levels of difficulty from the easy books that an emergent reader might begin to the longer complex books that advanced will select

Online resources

There are many resources for parents and students on GISD's online resource page.

Online resources

Skyward Key

Skyward is our student information system.  Use Skyward Family Access to find student grades, attendance and more.


Dimension U logo

DimensionU consists of four engaging and interactive multiplayer video games that focus on core skills in math and literacy. Each game is designed with unique features that bring out distinct academic and strategic skills in students.

Khan academy logo

Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.