Physical education

Gym teachers at North Garland HS.

PE Teacher: Shelley Hungerford

PE Aide: Teana Mays





Jump Rope for Heart

child jumping rope

It starts  in February.  We are joining schools across the

country to focus our students, staff and families around Heart Disease.  Students and their families can raise money for the American Heart Association online or by downloading the app on your smart phone or tablet, search jump/hoops in your app store.  We also earn PE equipment that helps us keep fitness fun for your kids. 

Tennis shoes

For safety reasons, we require students to wear tennis shoes. Tennis shoes are expected to be tied appropriately for Physical Education class.

tennis shoe

Excuse notes

Any student who needs to be excused from Physical Education due to illness or injury must have a note or e-mail from a parent. If the student needs to be excused for more than 3 days a doctor’s note is needed.

Yearly events

Check our website calendar for updated events.

  • Fall Movement program (October)
  • Turkey Trot (before Fall break)
  • Jump Rope For Heart (Spring Semester)
  • Spring Movement Program (April)
  • Fitness Testing for 3rd, 4th, & 5th Grade (Spring Semester)
  • Buddy Day (Spring Semester) 
buddy day logo

Buddy Day volunteers 

If you would like to volunteer for Buddy Day, please fill out the Volunteer Background Form.