Used uniform drive
If you have any uniforms that are gently used, PTA is accepting donations. Bring them to the box in the office. Must be pre-cleaned. Thank you for helping our PTA raise funds.
Cooper PTA's vision
To provide cultural, social, and equitable experiences for all students, families, and community of Cooper Elementary.
Meet the 2024-2025 PTA board
- President- Jessica Brining
- VP- Open
- Treasurer- Jennifer Coulombe
- Secretary- Michelle Gonzales
- Fundraising -Jennifer Kirby
- Programs - Denise Moore
- Membership - Rubi Gossett
- Hospitality - Heather Woodlee
- Volunteer -Zuleima Gonzalez
- Parliamentarian - Open
- Room Reps - Keisha Smalley
- Communications/Social Media - Sandra Martinez Oktay
- Watch Dogs - David Allen
- Committe Chairs - Meagan Chesley
Why join our PTA?
- The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is one of the oldest and largest volunteer child advocacy associations in the world. Parents and Teachers work together on projects to help benefit, improve and enrich the school experience for our children – something we’re all interested in.
- Keep in touch with what’s going on at the school and what’s coming up.
- Get involved in making decisions about the PTA’s role and projects we’re involved in. We are always in need of volunteers for a wide variety of things.
- Show your children you’re interested in their school and the things that affect them. Encourage them to become involved in their community through your example.
- PTA can take as little or as much time as you have to give. Our general assembly meetings are once a month for about an hour. Volunteers for other projects may spend a couple of hours or many, depending on the job to be done! We can always use your help.
PTA is for moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, uncles or friends who want to be involved in the lives of the kids they love!
How to join PTA
Please consider joining Cooper's PTA. Every membership helps the school and directly benefits the students. If you need additional information about the needs of our PTA or would like to join, please email us.
We are having PTA Membership drive and the class in each grade with the most memberships will win a pizza party. Due are $10 each. This small amount to give makes a huge impact on our students. PTA provides funds to the students and staff throughout the year such as: field trip assistance, planners, Scholastic News, programs, Buddy Day bounce houses, teacher appreciation luncheon and more.
Thank you to all who volunteer already, we can't do it without you. Our little Cougars love seeing their parents volunteer so please help out any way you can.If you would like to volunteer, or participate in any way, please see the district information to Be a Volunteer.
If you have any questions, please call the school office at your convenience at 972-675-3010.
Follow us on social media
Face Book is Cooper Elementary PTA
Twitter is @CooperElemPTA
Quote about Watch D.O.G.S.
"Great program that helps get fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc engaged in the school and provide positive role models for children that may not have a father figure to get help and guidance from." Frank Stepka
Are you interested in being in our Watch D.O.G.S. program? Click volunteer link to find out more.