Tutorials are structured to meet the needs of students that need a small group setting for re-teaching of content or to retake an assessment that they might not have successfully passed.
Tutorials are not a time to do homework or assignments that students might have chosen not to do in class. Late or missing assignments should be completed at home.
Tutorial day
Social Studies
Based on teacher
Students will need to obtain a written orange tutorial pass from that teacher prior to attending tutorials.
Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an important part of well-rounded student instruction. These skills help students academically, emotionally and socially.
Our mission is to help create an environment of equity and excellence in our schools. We do this using SEL by:
empowering learners by developing SEL skills
fostering open and equal environments
cultivating partnerships that help our community develop and thrive
Students and teachers and teachers will have designated days to "drop everything and read" during WIN. DEAR makes reading a priority and allows students to select their own reading material
Students will have the opportunity to explore high school magnet programs, career options, and what it means to be college ready. Students will also set academic goals, track their personal progress, and learn positive study habits
Skyward is our student information system. Use Skyward Family Access to find student grades, attendance and more.
DimensionU consists of four engaging and interactive multiplayer video games that focus on core skills in math and literacy. Each game is designed with unique features that bring out distinct academic and strategic skills in students.
Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom.
2024-2025 Course Guides
Please visit the Course Guides page on the district website for current versions of the high school and middle school course guides.