Need help with district devices?
For technology help with district-provided Chromebooks, mobile hotspots and iPads, see our page Technology support: Get help with district devices. There, you can find the support request form and resources for setting up and using district-provided technology.
Parent resources
The GISD website offers quick access to district information and resources that will help you support your child's well-being and academic achievement.
Davis Elementary School recognizes that a child's education is a responsibility shared by the school and family during the entire period the child spends in school. To support the goal that all children succeed academically and in life, the school and parents must work together as partners. This Parent Engagement Policy goes into more detail about Davis ES for the 2024-25 school year. Please also view our Parent-School Learning Compact.
Tech tips
This month's tech tip is learning how to embrace digital education. Classrooms are moving towards online platforms and using more E-learning devices that might intimidate parents. However, we know you want to be involved in your child's education and hope these tips will help you feel more comfortable when your child asks for help.
Parent toolkit
We would like to share a wonderful Parent Toolkit that will assist you in tracking your child's education journey from pre-kindergarten through high school. It is designed to help you track and support progress at each stage.