Our goal as a PTA is to work with the staff, students and parents to achieve and maintain educational excellence for our children. Through fund raisers and volunteering, Ethridge PTA has provided supplementary classroom supplies, sponsored special programs, contributed to the improvement of the buildings and grounds and provided supplementary teaching supplies. These are only a few of the areas where our Ethridge family has pitched in to make a wonderful school for our children.

Parental membership in the PTA is critical and will give you a voice in your child's educational experience - on both day-to-day and broader policy issues. Getting involved is simple: Come to PTA meetings, join committees, volunteer in the classroom, and lend your time and talents to the Ethridge community. Together, we will ensure that your child has the optimal learning experience.

Who can join?

PTA membership is open to all parents, teachers and members of the Ethridge Elementary community.

In what areas do PTA volunteers help out?

  • Reading with students
  • Spring Field Day
  • Running copies for teachers
  • Safety - after school dismissal

How much does it cost to join?

Only $10.00 a year. If you’d like to know where your money goes, let us break it down for you. $3.50 is sent to the State and National PTA and the remainder is invested in our school's PTA.