
An education in the Arts has many benefits for children. Students learn a multitude of skills from participating in Fine Arts, which can help them in their education and their future after graduation. Students who participate in Fine Arts tend to score higher on tests such as the SATs.

Visual art and theater art activities are included as part of regular classroom activities. All students participate in our elementary music program.

Fine arts field trips

Third grade attends a local GISD high school play, where they will experience a live theater production.  

Fourth grade attends a performance by Garland Symphony Orchestra.

Fifth grade travels to the Dallas Museum of Art, where they explore the visual arts.

These field trips allow students to experience the arts firsthand, and gives them an idea of their future opportunities to participate in the arts. 


All Freeman students attend an art class weekly with Ms. Castro.


All Freeman students attend a music class weekly with Ms. Olivas.

Be a Garland ISD VIP 

With a special VIP pass, community members can get free general admission to many athletic and Fine Arts events at district facilities.

Visit the Garland ISD VIP pass page for more details.

Clear Bag Policy

To help ensure a safe and respectful environment for guests, Garland ISD has put into effect a Clear Bag Policy for all GISD middle and high school athletic events and fine arts performances.  

Learn more on our Clear Bag Policy page.