Attendance matters
More benefits of daily attentance are:
- Achievement - students who attend school regularly are more likely to pass reading and math assessments than students who do not.
- Being part of the school community - Just by being present at school, your child is learning how to be a good citizen by participating in the school community and learning valuable social skills.
- The importance of education - Your commitment to school attendance will also send a message to your child that education is a priority for your family, going to school every day is a critical part of educational success, and that it's important to take your responsibilities seriously.
Parent resources
Community Board (youth activities provided community organizations)
ESL Information
Breakfast in the classroom
Freeman Elementary is now offering free breakfast for every student! Breakfast begins at 7:55 am in the classroom, where students can eat at their desks. Please be sure to have your student at school on time so they can eat a nutritious breakfast and have a great start to the day!
Family access
Use Skyward Family Access, ClassDojo and The Freeman E-news Newsletter to stay up to date with what is happening at Freeman. Students and parents can view attendance, grades, and calendars. Manage your alerts preferences to receive messages from Freeman and GISD. Communication is a vital key to ensure students are successful both at school and at home.
Follow us on Twitter!
Check out Freeman's instant information feed on Twitter. You may follow Freeman with@Freeman_Hawks, and you can also follow GISD @gisdnews to receive important information, good news, school closings and upcoming events details.