Policies & procedures


Regular attendance is essential for your child to achieve and learn at their maximum potential. If your child is absent, please send a note regarding their absence.

Tardies/partial absences

A student must be in the classroom by 8:10 a.m. to avoid being tardy. Tardies, according to GISD policy, will be reflected on the report card whether they are excused or unexcused. For accounting purposes, a tardy is equal to a partial absence. Excessive tardies can become an attendance problem. Addtitional information about attendance can be found in our school PBIS handbook. 

Dismissal locations & times

Pick-up is at 3:30 p.m. for all students. If you want to change the way a student goes home, parents/guardians must write a note stating how the child/children will go home. Parents may also call the office to communicate a change in after school transportation (972-926-2540). Students will not be allowed to change their dismissal procedures without a note or phone call from a parent/guardian. Please have the student's ID number (lunch number) on hand. Many parents place this number in their phone contacts.

Dress code

Handley Elementary follows the GISD standardized dress policy. See details about our dress code on the dress code page.

Parent communication

Our school uses ClassDojo as the primary means of communication between school and parents. Please make sure you have accepted the ClassDojo invitation from your child's classroom teacher. 

On Tuesday of each week, a folder containing important information relating to assignments and activities is sent home with every child. Please check your child's folder each week for any upcoming information or changes.

Emergency updates

It is vital to keep information current. If any information changes during the year, please report those changes to the office staff. We must be able to contact you if your child has an emergency.

School visitors

All visitors must sign in at the office and wear a visitor badge. Staff has been instructed to stop anyone not identified as an authorized visitor.

Student medication

All medication brought to school by a student must be prescribed medication and in a prescription labeled bottle. Medication must be accompanied with a note from the parents and doctor outlining medication instructions. All medication will be kept locked in the clinic. It is the responsibility of the students to report to the clinic to take his/her medication. A registered nurse is on campus to administer medication.

Safety plan

Fire: In the event of a fire, students have planned out routes for leaving the building and getting away from the danger. Students and staff practice using monthly fire drills.

Tornado: If there is a tornado warning issued for our area, then students go into the hallway to duck and cover away from windows. Students practice this during drills held periodically throughout the year.

Lockdown: In the event of a serious incident in the school or in the neighborhood of the school, students and staff would go into lockdown. This means that everyone remains where they are or go to a safer area depending on the situation. Students have practiced this during drills held throughout the year. If the building were to be evacuated following a "real" lockdown or in the event of an emergency, parents would be directed by district personnel where to pick up their children which could be at an offsite location. To find out more about Handley's Emergency Plans and district policies please contact the school administrators at 972-926-2540.

Campus Improvement Plan

A Campus Improvement Plan serves as the blueprint for how a campus will address performance objectives and other campus needs that have been identified from a Campus Needs Assessment.

Online Student Services requests

Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, withdraw or request a transcript? Visit the Online Student Services page to get started.

If you have additional requests, please contact the campus data clerk:
Mrs. Rubi Huerta-Nava
Phone: 972-926-2540, extension 40881 

Campus Parent Involvement

The Campus Parent Involvement Policy explains how our campus supports the important role of parents in the education of their children. We offer a Parent Compact to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement. 

District policies

To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.

Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.