Signature Programs

Montessori Magnet

Primary students showcase their works.


Unlike the traditional classroom, the Montessori Magnet program gives children exposure to multi-sensory materials, individualized instruction, mixed age groups, emotional intelligence training, and uninterrupted work cycles. Children receive instant feedback during the learning process. 

Visit the Montessori Magnet page for program and application information. 


Seal for AMS Accreditation Step 9

Herfurth is now on Step 9 of American Montessori Society accreditation. 


Outdoor Learning

Students gather eggs from our chickens.


With our chicken coop and garden, Herfurth students have outdoor learning experiences that include gathering eggs, life science lessons, and learning more about botany.

Visit our Activities page to learn more about our Outdoor Learning experiences.


Herfurth students share