
Meet the teachers

 Ms. Anderson, Mr. Le, Ms. Hernandez

fifth grade team outside

Contact your child's teacher

Recess: 10:10-10:40

Lunch: 10:40-11:10 

Specials: Art, Gym, Music/Teacher Conference time: 11:50-12:40

Daily schedule

  • Conference Time 11:50-12:40
  • Lunch time 10:40-11:10
  • Recess time: 10:10-10:40

Kindergarten Corner

Please review the Kindergarten Handbook.
Kindergarten Handbook español.

Kindergarten Events and Celebrations of the past

  • Pumpkin Patch (September) 
  • Thanksgiving feast (November)
  • Winter holiday party (December)
  • 100th day of school celebration, during school (January/February)
  • Valentine’s Party (February)
  • Texas Celebration, during school (March)
  • Butterfly release party, during school (April/May)
  • Class book (April/May)
  • Zoo field trip (April/May)
  • Kindergarten graduation (late May)

Frequently asked questions

When does school start?

Students should be in class working by 8:10 a.m. If your student arrives before 8 a.m., he/she will wait for the class to start and will read quietly in the cafeteria. Students start entering class and getting to work at 8 a.m. The tardy bell rings at 8:11 a.m.

When does school end?

Bus riders and daycare students wait in the gym starting at 3:30. If you are picking your child up PLEASE be there no later than 3:20. Students who are waiting to be picked up by a parent will wait in the cafeteria. All students must be picked up by 3:30.

Will you have nap time?


Will you have snack time?

Yes. Parents will be asked to send in healthy snacks like goldfish, crackers, vanilla wafers, graham crackers, etc. Students will not be permitted to share snacks with others. NO nuts or nut products allowed in the classrooms. Thank you for understanding. 

Will there be homework?

Yes. Your child will memorize sight words. He/she will read daily and fill in a reading log. There will also be math homework that reinforces each lesson. There will be a few at-home projects. T

Things to work on year round

  • Reading
  • Coughing/sneezing in elbow or tissue
  • Blowing nose
  • Using tissue
  • Washing hands
  • Buttoning/zipping pants
  • Tying shoes
  • Visit and check out books from the local library
  • Write name
  • Get a notebook and have your child "journal"
  • Follow directions
  • Hands out of mouth, off of face, thumb sucking
  • Recognizing name
  • Typing name on the keyboard
  • Listening comprehension (read stories and ask questions)
  • Practice typing ID number on keyboard (will also use ID # when buying lunch)
  • Eat healthy foods