Policies & procedures

Dress code

Sam Houston students must wear standardized dress for 2024-2025 school year. Standardized dress is made up of clothing that meets a particular description but is not a specific brand of clothing. Any brand is fine as long as no logos or brand names are visible. Clothing is expected to be clean, neat, properly fitted, with all hems intact. The dress code will be enforced beginning the first week of school.

*Administrators will have complete and final judgment on all matters concerning interpretation of the dress code. Matters concerning appearance and dress not specifically covered above shall be within the discretion of the administration. Any hairstyle or attire deemed a distraction by the administration is unacceptable. The dress and grooming codes outlined above are not optional. Students will be given disciplinary consequences if they do not follow the dress and grooming codes up to and including placement in “the hold”, or Saturday school.

Bus transportation frequently asked questions

Find answers to frequently asked questions about bus transportation procedures and policies or visit the GISD transportation page

Sam Houston tardy policy

Tardy Consequence
4th Conference with Student and Lunch Detention
5th Conference with Student and Lunch Detention
6th and above

2 hour after school detention on Tuesday or Thursday for each tardy


Online Student Services Requests

Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, withdraw or get a transcript? It's easy to start these requests at home. Visit Online Student Services to get started. For additional questions, please contact our campus data clerk:
  • Abigail Valle
  • Campus number: 972-926-2640
    • extension: 50403
  • AValle@garlandisd.net

District policies

To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.

Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.