B.G. Hudson Middle School
4405 Hudson Drive
Sachse, TX 75048-4631
Phone: 972-675-3070
Fax: 972-675-3077
Email: A052@garlandisd.net
Year opened: 1992
Current enrollment: 1304
School hours
8:50 a.m.- 4:10 p.m.
Dr. Ashley Wong
Ratings & reports
For the most current ratings and reports, reports and performance planning, visit our school profile page on the district website.
Mission Statement
Hudson Middle School is committed to providing an effective quality education for all students in a way that:
stresses high academic achievement for all students,
stresses life-long learning,
enhances parent and community involvement
ensure all students are capable of being successful at the next level of learning.
The mission of Hudson Middle School is to provide a quality education for all students in a way that accepts the challenge of educating students from diverse cultural backgrounds, different economic situations, and different ways of learning in order to give every student a strong educational foundation and the confidence to apply that knowledge base in new situations.
In short, we strive to give every student roots and wings.