Principal’s Advisory Council (P.A.C.)
The P.A.C. is a group focused on leadership and service. The students learn effective leadership skills in a variety of settings. They act as the public-relations department for the campus. They also participate in community service projects both on campus and off.
Sponsor: David Dunphy
Art club/Clay club
Sponsor: Regina Milton
AVID stands for
Advancement Via Individual Determination.
AVID Secondary (grades 6-12) is a college readiness program helping to prepare students in the academic middle for four-year college eligibility. It has a proven track record in bringing out the best in students and in closing the achievement gap. Learn more
Jackson's AVID campus sponsor is Elyse Adams
For more information about the program please visit
Practices begin in January
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
The Jackson Technology Center Fellowship of Christian Athletes, seeks to create a positive spirit on campus in keeping with the FCA vision and mission:
- To see the world transformed by Jesus Christ through the influence of coaches and athletes. To lead every coach and athlete into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
- FCA seeks to meet weekly at Jackson to fellowship, foster unity and grow in faith. We participate in “See You at The Pole”, Fields of Faith, Rough Rider game and various activities throughout the year.
- FCA is a lot of fun and is open to all grade levels (6th, 7th and 8th) and ALL students. You don’t have to be an athlete to participate. Come join the Jackson FCA. See Coach Cummings for more information.
Sponsor: Chawn Cummings
Youth and Government
All students in grades 6-8 are invited to participate in Junior Youth & Government (JYG). Youth and Government is a civic leadership program that competes in a hands on mock legislature that is designed to help students become critical thinkers, expert debaters and servant leaders.
We will have competitions this fall and take a trip to the capital in Austin in the spring. Come check it out! See Coach Cummings for information!!!
November 10, District Conference @ Duncanville High School
February 22-24, Junior YG State Conference in Austin, TX
Sponsor: Chawn Cummings
National Junior Honor Society
NJHS is a service-oriented group. Students must complete an application for acceptance into the Society.
They must maintain at least at 85 GPA to be considered eligible for membership, and maintain that GPA to stay eligible throughout the year!
The students of NJHS work hard in their classes and are very passionate about the service projects they participate in throughout the year.
Seventh and eighth grade students compete in five areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, Novel and Super Quiz. Jackson students continue to win many awards each year at the district and regional levels. During the 2017-2018 year, Jackson's Pentathlon Team went to Nationals, and also brought home a number of medals from the event.
Student Council
Student Council is an organization whose purpose is to give students the opportunity to develop leadership abilities, promote democracy as a way of life, make executive decisions for the entire student body, and establish and uphold Jackson standards. Projects include canned food drives, Faculty Talent Show, Pennies for Patients benefiting the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and many others. Meetings are held Wednesdays after school.
Sponsor: Cassidy Hennessey.
Award winning theater
Jackson's dynamic theater team, sponsored by Heather Roberts.