
Viking band program

Welcome to the Jackson Band! We believe that music is essential to a well-rounded education. While in band class, your student will learn much more than how to play an instrument. We aim to teach responsibility, motivation, determination, pride, and an understanding of music and art. Additionally, your child will learn important social skills, such as learning how to work together as an ensemble and how to cooperate in order to succeed. We hope that your student will not only grow as a musician and a student, but as a person.

Here at Jackson, we have three different bands. 7th and 8th graders will audition for the directors and be placed into the ensemble that best suits their abilities. In addition to that, we also have a Beginning Band for incoming band students, and a Jazz band.  Each band performs at various events throughout the year such as football games, pep rallies, concerts, and contests.

For further information please contact Emily Irvin or Kai Robinson.

Band Director: Emily McIntosh

Assistant Band Director: Kai Robinson