2nd grade

Headshot of 2nd grade teacher Venable on blue background wearing a black shirt.

Ms. Venable

Teacher favorites

University of North Texas

Headshot of Letreanna Castro

Ms. Castro

Teacher favorites

Southern Methodist University

Play NICE, Work HARD, Stay KIND.

Headshot of Marsha Dieterich

Mrs. Dieterich

Teacher favorites

University of Texas at Dallas

Headshot of Holly Limberg

Mrs. Limberg

Teacher favorites

University of Texas at Arlington

Tutoring schedule

Tutoring is by invitation only and all students must have received a tutoring pass the day before in order to attend. 

Day Time Teacher
Tuesday & Thursday 7:30-8 a.m. Ms. Castro, Mrs. Dieterich, Mrs. Limberg, Ms. Venable


Arboretum fun

Science investigation using senses

Students using their sense of touch
Students using their sense of touch
4 students sitting on floor using their sense of smell
Students using their sense of smell