No More than 4 Challenge
Attendance makes the difference. Be present at school with no more than four absences during the school year. Attend for better experiences, better achievement, better career options, and better opportunities.
Monitor attendance
Students and parents can monitor attendance records in Skyward. Please see the Student attendance in Skyward page on the GISD website for details on how to access. If you have questions about a specific absence, contact the attendance office.
If your student is absent from school due to illness, send a note to the campus within three days of the absence.
Students or parents should turn in an absence note to the attendance office within three days of returning to school that includes:
- student name and I.D. number
- a written statement giving the date and reason for the absence(s)
- parent/guardian signature
- parent phone number
Absences for some activities and events such as religious holy days and documented health-care appointments will be excused if the student makes up all their work. More information about which activities and events are excused by state law, details about attendance policies as well as excused and unexcused absences are available in the Student Code of Conduct and Handbook.
Partial day absences
Students are required to attend school from the time the school day begins at 8:10 am until the time the school day ends at 3:30 pm. A partial day absence occurs when a student is not present for a part of the school day. A student who arrives late or leaves early will receive a partial day absence. The school will decide whether the partial day absence is excused or unexcused using the same standards for determining the status of full-day absences.
Attendance law
The Texas State Compulsory Attendance Law requires students aged 6 through 19 to attend school. Section 25.085 requires students to go to school each school day for the entire school day unless exempted by law. This requirement includes students who have voluntarily enrolled in prekindergarten or kindergarten and students who are nineteen years old or older.
Students who violate this law may get referral(s) for court proceedings against the parent, guardian or student. Violation of the law occurs when students get unexcused voluntary absences for 10 or more days or parts of days within a six-month period.