Third grade

Meet your teachers

Katy Gross, Lauren Reavis, Sarah Ebner, Crystal Ensley

Welcome to third grade at Kimberlin! Get ready for an exciting year ahead filled with new adventures in learning. We are thrilled to embark on this journey with you and can't wait to have fun in third grade! This year, we will dive into multiplication, cursive writing, the life cycle of plants, and even learn about different cultures around the world. Get ready to discover, grow, and have a fantastic time as we learn and explore together!

Daily schedule

Conference time: 2:35 p.m.- 3:25 p.m.

Lunch time: 11:40 a.m.- 12:10 a.m.

Recess time: 11:10 a.m.- 11:40 a.m.

Things to work on year round

Academic skills

  • Improve reading fluency by practicing reading aloud daily.

  • Master multiplication facts up to 10x10.

  • Enhance writing skills by including more descriptive words in stories.

  • Explore basic fractions by dividing shapes into halves and quarters.

  • Learn about different ecosystems and their characteristics.

Life skills

  • Develop good study habits by creating a daily routine.

  • Practice time management by setting timers for tasks and activities.

  • Improve organization skills by keeping a tidy backpack and desk.

  • Enhance problem-solving by working through challenges independently.

  • Foster a growth mindset by embracing mistakes as opportunities to learn.

Social-emotional skills

  • Build empathy by listening actively to classmates and friends.

  • Practice kindness by performing random acts of kindness each week.

  • Develop conflict resolution skills by using "I" statements to express feelings.

  • Cultivate resilience by bouncing back from setbacks with a positive attitude.

  • Strengthen friendships by initiating conversations and spending time with peers.