The choral music department exists to provide the students with outstanding experiences in singing. Through Lakeview's seven choirs, students have the opportunity to explore choir by singing music from the middle ages to the pop stars of today!"
- Treble Patriots & Tenor/Bass (9-12)
- Liberty Chorale (auditioned 9-12)
- A Cappella (auditioned 9-12)
- Sapphire (auditioned 10-12)
- Freedom (auditioned 10-12)
- MeisterSingers (invitation to audition 10-12)
Treble Patriots & Tenor/Bass Choir- These choirs are for ANY first-time choir student. All freshmen interested in choir will begin in this ensemble.
Liberty Chorale - This choir is for students who have auditioned and have advanced from Treble Patriots & Tenor/Bass Choir. If a male has not been in choir or is new to our program, they will begin in this ensemble. Students who are placed in this ensemble have been auditioned and are proficient in their solfege, sight-reading, vocal ability, and rehearsal etiquette. Students who have been in Treble Patriots & Tenor/Bass Choir and should advance will be placed in this ensemble unless placed otherwise by the head choir director.
Sapphire -This auditioned choir is for advanced female voices who have been in choir for at least 1 year. Students who are placed in this ensemble have been auditioned and are distinguished and fluent in their solfege, sight-reading, vocal ability, and rehearsal etiquette.
A Cappella Choir-This auditioned choir is for advanced male voices who have been in choir at least 1 year and female voices who have been in choir for at least 1 year. Students who are placed in this ensemble have been auditioned and are distinguished and fluent in their solfege, sight-reading, vocal ability, and rehearsal etiquette.
Freedom-This is our show choir. Only students grades 10-12 will be allowed to audition. There are no freshmen in this ensemble. Entry into this ensemble is by audition only. Prior choir experience is not necessary and concurrent enrollment in choir is not required. However, only students with elevated vocal ability, intermediate body rhythm, and strong work ethic, and rehearsal etiquette are accepted into this ensemble.
MesiterSingers-This is our madrigal choir. Enrollment in this ensemble is by invitation only. Only students grades 10-12 will be considered. Students who wish to be in this ensemble may express their interest on the annual interest signup in the choir room during audition season. Prior choir experience is not necessary and concurrent enrollment in choir is not required but strongly preferred. However, only students with exceptional vocal ability, distinguished sight-reading skills, and strong work ethic, and rehearsal etiquette are accepted into this ensemble.
Choir Directors
Da'On Boulanger-Chatman, Director of Choirs, VAPA Dept. Chair
Priscila Lopez Gamez, Assistant Director of Choirs