
Boys Athletic Coordinator: Anthony Saincilaire
Girls Athletic Coordinator: Tabitha Sanders

Sport Coach


Matt Heider (HC), Shawn Redd


Boys: David Bookman (HC), Clarence Hicks, Matthew Wilson

Girls: Garron Green (HC), Tiana Garrett, Justin Juniel


Varsity: Brandie Parker
JV: Brandie Parker
Mascot: Brandie Parker

Cross Country

Boys: Andrew Fletcher, Luis Chavez

Girls: Tabitha Sanders, Matt Swain


Coaches: Anthony Saincilaire (HC), Henry Hill, Andrew Fletcher, Desmine Hilliard, Matthew Heider, Tank Jackson, William Pittman, Christen Bell, Aaron Thomas, Raymond Burks, Chadrich Clark, Anton Curtis, Blake Everett, Alex Flores, Perry Jason, Darece Roberson, Kelon Wilson

Athletic Trainers: Judson Dorsey, Whitney Lee

Power Lifting Henry Hill, Chadrich Clark, Blake Everett


Nick Siratt


Boys: Kevin Muenz

Girls: Andrea Orris

Liberty Dolls

Diana Ponsler


Boys: Andrew Fletcher (HC), Alex Flores, Christen Bell

Girls: Britany Callahan-Willis (HC), AMera Frieman, Aaron Thomas


Luis Chavez (HC), Kalena Mauga (JV), Deanna Hand


Suzy Mauldin

Tennis William Mitchell, Paul Ranta


Boys: Desmine Hilliard (HC), Matthew Wilson, William Pittman, Raymond Burks, Chadrich Clark

Girls: Tabitha Sanders (HC), Matt Swain, Justin Juniel, Tank Jackson


Justus Spriggs (HC), Kalena Mauga (JV), AMera Frieman (9th)

Physical Form PDF

Swimming and Diving

Philip Wiggins
Garland ISD Natatorium

Water Polo

Alegra Alvarez
Garland ISD Natatorium


Schedules for all sports can be found on the district schedules page.

Or click below to go directly to a specific sport's schedule.


Clear Bag Policy

To help ensure a safe and respectful environment for guests, Garland ISD has put into effect a Clear Bag Policy for all GISD middle and high school athletic events and fine arts performances.  

Learn more on our Clear Bag Policy page.

Athletic forms system

There are a variety of forms that must be submitted online before your student can participate in school athletics.

1. Submit all forms online through the Athletic Forms System.

2. Review the Athletics Forms System instructions page to help minimize any delays of your student's participation.

3. After submitting all forms, give a hard copy of the Physical/Medical History to your campus trainer or coaches.

Physical Form PDF