Lister Elementary
Parent and Family Engagement Policy 2023-2024
Lister Elementary will build parents’ ability to create strong family engagement.
Parents may be assisted in understanding state standards, district, and school assessments, and how to monitor a child’s progress in the following ways:
School administrators and teachers will provide teachers with notifications of assessments via Class Dojo
Lister assists parents in monitoring their child’s progress through Skyward and frequent reports of student progress as well as alerts of grading cycle milestones.
Lister Elementary provides information to assist parents in understanding the assessments given, what they measure, and how the school and families will use these to measure student academic progress and placement.
Lister Elementary sends information to parents about standardized assessments to help them understand their child’s test results.
Lister Elementary strives to create a welcoming campus environment for parents and families.
Lister Elementary will provide resources to help parents work with their child and support student needs.
The Summer Reading program will provide books for students in various grade levels to support reading at home.
Lister Elementary provides weekly updates on social and emotional learning tools that families can use at home to support students.
Lister Elementary works with families in need of additional support such as food, clothing or mental health resources by connecting them to community organizations that support these efforts.
Lister Elementary will educate staff on how and provide staff opportunities to partner with families.
Training is provided to schools on effective parent communication.
Staff use a communication tool (Class Dojo) to provide weekly updates and individual information to families
Staff participate in Spring and Fall parent conferences
Annual training by a parent on working with families
Host family engagement events at least twice each quarter
Lister Elementary will ensure that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities is provided to parents in a format and language the parents can understand whenever reasonably possible.
Monthly calendar sent to parents in English, Spanish and Vietnamese
Posts on Class Dojo 3-4 times each week (able to be translated into a variety of languages)
Information and documents important to parents and families are located on the district website in appropriate languages.
Lister Elementary will provide reasonable support for family engagement activities.
Establish and support a local Parent/ Teacher Association
Work with local parent involvement programs to include them in their parent involvement activities as appropriate.