Montessori Magnet
For observation dates and more information about applying for Montessori, visit the district Magnet application process page.
For help understanding Choice of School and the Magnet Application Process, please view the following videos in English or Spanish.
To learn more about Luna Elementary and their Montessori program, please watch our webinar.
How Montessori differs from a traditional classroom
In Montessori, the environment and the activities (called "works") are integral to the learning process. The teacher acts as a guide who walks alongside the child as she engages in discovery. Each child grows in confidence and independence as he learns the soft skills that create a lasting foundation for lifelong learning.
A few key differences that differentiate Montessori instruction from the traditional classroom include:
- multi-sensory materials
- individualized instruction
- mixed age groups
- child-chosen works
- assessment through observation
- uninterrupted work cycles
- emotional intelligence training
- materials and works are designed to give the child instant feedback in the learning process
GISD Montessori program
Sensorial area
- Activities help the child notice an important feature such as color, weight, size, shape, texture, sound, smell or other.
- Activities include sorting by a particular attribute.
- Fine motor development takes place through sensorial activities.
Practical life area
- Self care, movement control, environment care, and courtesy are areas of instruction.
- Children use familiar, everyday objects to increase confidence and concentration span as well as enhance fine motor control.
Language area
- Literacy is developed through phonics, vocabulary, listening skills, and object/picture differentiation.
- Language activities include learning sight words, writing, parts of speech, and silent reading.
Math area
- Concrete materials are used for the basis of number and quantity recognition.
- Activities are divided into: counting, the decimal system, memory work, arithmetic, geometry and concrete abstraction.
Culture area
- Subjects include geography, zoology, botany and science.
- Students learn through observation, hands-on experience and experiments.