Policies & procedures

Arrival and dismissal 

Arrival Map and Procedures
Dismissal Map & Procedures

Student expectations

Student Handbook 

In the classroom, the student must comply with these expectations:

  1. Be in your assigned seat ready to work by the time the bell rings.
  2. Bring paper, pens, pencils, books, and any other needed supplies every day.
  3. Keep hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself.
  4. Refrain from swearing, making rude gestures, put downs, or disruptive behavior
  5. Follow all directions as given, the first time.

Dress code

The Lyles Middle School dress code can also be found on the Dress code page or in your student handbook.


Please contact Priscilla Lopez to report your student's absence. She can be reached at the school number: (972) 240-3720. Your timely efforts are appreciated.

Schedule Change Procedures

The first days of school are always the busiest. Only those students who are missing a class course or have incorrect grade level issues will receive immediate attention during the first couple of days of school.

Students will want to begin requesting schedule changes. Schedule changes must go through the proper procedures requiring administrative approval. Schedule changes are not guaranteed. 

In order to request a schedule change, please utilize the Schedule Change Request form. A paper copy is available by request. Contact the campus office.

Schedule changes are not guaranteed. Schedule changes must go through the proper procedures requiring administrative approval. Please allow at least 48 hours for completion.

The final day of accepting schedule change requests is August 19th. 

Campus Improvement Plan

Campus Improvement Plan serves as the blueprint for how a campus will address performance objectives and other campus needs that have been identified from a Campus Needs Assessment.

 Campus Improvement Plan

Title I

The Campus Parent Involvement Policy explains how our campus supports the important role of parents in the education of their children. We offer a Parent Compact to establish a partnership among parents, school staff, and students for improving student academic achievement.

·     Campus Parent Involvement Policy

·     Parent Compact (English/Spanish)

Online student services requests

Do you need to enroll your child, request a transfer, withdraw or request a transcript? It's easy to start common processes at home. Visit the Online Student Services page to get started. 

If you have additional questions, please contact the campus data clerk:

Anayeli Sanchez     

Phone number: 972-240-3720


District policies

To support our mission of providing an exceptional education to all students, we have created policies designed to help your student have the best possible education experience.

Visit the Policies page on the district website for additional polices and related information.