ESL Newcomer

Celebrating Lunar New Year

Celebrating Lunar New Year

At MPA, we realize the importance of celebrating cultures. For the Lunar New Year, we are busy learning about the significance of this exciting celebration. On each of the fifteen days, students will learn a new fact about the Lunar New Year. When the New Year is over, students are invited to enter a contest to show what they have learned. A few students will win great prize packs. happy New Year.

Program description

Newcomer student reading

The Newcomer ESL Program targets new English as a Second Language Students arriving to Garland ISD from numerous backgrounds and countries. Students begin to learn English in a smaller classroom setting prior to enrolling in one of Garland's traditional middle or high schools. ESL students have the chance to begin their middle school and high school careers learning math, science, social studies, English, and computer technology.

Home languages 


  • Amharic
  • Spanish
  • Farsi
  • Pashto
  • Vietnamese


  • Arabic
  • Farsi
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
  • Amharic