Library hours
The library is open to students and staff from 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM daily. Teachers should provide students with a pass if they are coming in without a pass. Those students should also sign in and sign out. Please contact the librarian, Ms. Black. if you need to schedule a time for your class to visit the library. You can also reach the librarian by phone at 972-240-3700 ext. 50628.
Make plans to visit the MPA library
Did you know that the library is a classroom? The library is the biggest classroom in the school. We have plenty to offer you and your students. Of course, in the library, we have books. But we also have computer stations, puzzles, games, and supplies like scissors, construction paper and index cards. It is the perfect place for students to come in to write, read or complete research projects. The library also has tables and chairs which makes it the perfect place to complete group projects for students. If you have not visited the library with your class, please do so. Teachers, your students may also visit the library independently. Just make sure they have a pass from you.
Library catalogs
Find books, ebooks, and other resources by visiting your school's library catalog. If you need help with any of these resources, please contact your school librarian.
Online instructional resources
Online Instructional Resources are available to all students, teachers, parents, and administrators from any district or non-district computer.
Local library links