MPA GO Center

What can our GO Center do for you?

Located in Room 3A, the GO Center offers one-stop shopping for help after high school - where ever you may be GOing! Stop by for specifics and more information about:

  • Completing the FAFSA (financial aid) and TASFA
  • SAT/ACT testing
  • TSI application and pre-assessment
  • Researching and applying for colleges/universities
  • Career investigation and career placement inventories
  • Military recruitment contacts
  • Scholarship search 
  • Resume creation and support
  • Test prep resources

Check with our counselors for more information and to find out about additional opportunities to network and meet with potential mentors to help more successfully navigate life after graduation from high school.

District GO Center Resources

Garland ISD provides additional GO Center information on the Academics and CCMR Advising page on the district website.