To expedite our dismissal process on Rainy Dismissal Days please follow the dismissal process below:
Kinder and PreK students: Follow the same dismissal procedures-dismiss from the Kindergarten and/or PreK doors.
1st Grade-5th Grade Car Riders
Follow the same process as regular dismissal-
Stay in vehicle. We will call the name over the walkie talkie and your child(ren) will walk up to the front and get into your car.
2nd Grade Walk-up:
Same procedure. Walk up to 2nd grade doors and your child will be released when you show the car tag.
1st grade 3rd-5th Grade Walk-up.
We will have cones wrapped around the left side when facing the building. Please form a line inside the cones. Most but not all of this area is covered, please plan accordingly.
A staff member will begin collecting car tags around 3:15. A runner will take the car tags to the students and the student will come out with their car tag.
Once your car tag is collected move over to the exit area on the right side, so other cards may be collected.
Please do NOT congregate in the main walkway as we will using this area to dismiss car riders.
We understand this process does take a little longer, but our priority is to get you your students safely.
To make the process go quicker, please make sure you have your car tag OR a valid ID. We cannot release your child to you without this.
It is our policy that EVERY person picking up the child have a car tag. A picture of the car tag does not count.