
Band logo stating Naaman Forest Band with music staff, star & music note

The Naaman Forest Ranger Band is the only instrumental music program at Naaman Forest HS. Students in band play wind and percussion instruments from flute, tuba, all the way to drums like the bass drum and drum set. The Naaman Forest Band prides itself on offering students far more than an extensive musical education. Our directors, students, and parents  work together to support the academic, social, and emotional success of all students.

To see what the Naaman Forest Band is up to, visit our website, check out our Instagram page @naaman_forest_band or find us on Facebook. 

Interested in joining band? Fill out this form!

Meet the directors

Courses offered

Naaman band students playing their instruments on football field
Naaman forest drum majors posing with homecoming mums on sidelines of football field
Naaman drumline posing with instruments at parade next to director
Naaman band students posing with director and holding instruments at parade
Naaman band students posing for group phot after UIL competition