CCMR parents
Encourage your child to take rigorous, challenging courses.
Take AP classes
- Even if you get a B in this type of class, it looks better than an A in a regular course
- Research has shown: the more AP courses a student takes, the more likely they are to graduate college.
- Pass the exam, and save money in college
- Tell him/her to go to college websites and get information
- Take your child to visit different colleges
- Have them study vocabulary. Make flashcards and sit down with them to quiz them
- Make them read challenging books and newspapers
Make sure your student is at school EVERYDAY!
- They can’t learn and be prepared if they are not here!
- If they miss too many days, they will not get credit for the course
How else can you help?
- Set limits on bed time. If they have adequate sleep, they will be MORE FOCUSED the next day
- Help your student get out the door on time each morning.
- Get to know the teachers and counselor and encourage them to let you know if there is a problem, and work with them to solve it.
- Make sure to get a copy of your teen’s progress report and report card at the end of each 3 week period.
Think that you cannot afford to go to college?
- Several college offer free tuition based upon the family income
- Students must also:
- meet a minimum SAT or ACT score
- apply by the deadline
- meet credit hour and/or GPA requirements