Academic supports
Supports & tutorials
Students and parents, there are several academic support systems and tutorial programs in place at North Garland High School. These programs are designed to provide students with specific opportunities to achieve success and improve content mastery in all courses, especially when students may need additional learning opportunities.
The following list describes the tutorial and academic supports that are available at North Garland High School, and we encourage all students to become familiar with these resources and utilize them as a component in your educational efforts.
I. Classroom Tutorials
Subject-specific tutorials are held regularly by your teachers at North Garland High School during specific times both before and after school. Teacher tutorial schedules are posted in your classrooms with meeting days and times, and these are excellent opportunities for you to receive help with your assignments and homework.
II. Saturday School
On specifically scheduled Saturdays, you have the opportunity to join teachers on campus for Saturday School. The Saturday School tutorials offer opportunities for help with homework and otherwise catching up on assignments. Additionally, some Saturday School sessions are designed specifically to help students prepare for STAAR tested subject areas.
III. Specialized Tutorials
Specialized tutorial sessions are available for particular academic needs during the school year. For example, tutorials to help students prepare for tests such as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, and AP Tests are offered at various times during the school year.
IV. Mini-mester
Offered in the Fall and Spring semesters, Mini-mester offers students who are at risk of not graduating on time and are in need of an additional opportunity to earn course credit(s) outside of the regular school day utilizing on-line courses. Courses can be taken for original credit, or for credit recovery, and are free.
V. Cycle Recovery
Students are eligible for Cycle Recovery if the final average for a six-weeks grading period (cycle) is below 70. On-level core courses (Math, Science, English, Social Studies) and limited LOTE (foreign language) courses are eligible for Cycle Recovery.
VI. Credit Recovery
Students are eligible for Credit Recovery when a final semester average for a course (either the first or second semester) is below 70.