Raider Reminder
Monday, February 10, 2025
Monday, February 10 (A Day)
- Interim Makeup Testing - Cafeteria - A1 & A2
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- United Nations rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Little Theater - 3:15
- Lady Raiders Softball Photo Day - Small Gym - 3:30
- World Dance Company practice - Main Gym - 4:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:00 to 8:00
Tuesday, February 11 (B Day)
- Interim Makeup Testing - Cafeteria - B6 & B7
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
- Lady Raiders Softball vs Lancaster - Location TBD - Varsity 4:30; JV 6:00
- Raider Baseball vs Ranchview HS - Ranchview - JV 5:00; Varsity 7:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria - 5:00 to 8:00
- Raider Boys Soccer vs Garland - Williams Stadium - 6:00; 7:30
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Garland - NGHS - JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Lakeview - NGHS - Freshman & JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
Wednesday, February 12 (A Day)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - 4:00 to 6:30
- Field Trip - Robotics
- Middle School Step Clinic hosted by Raider Heat Step - Auditorium - 10:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- United Nations rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- World Dance practice - Dance Room & Main Gym - 3:30
Thursday, February 13 (B Day)
- Field Trip - Robotics
- Lady Raiders Softball - Mid-Cities Classic - Colleyville HS
- Edgenuity Student Lab - Room 102 - 3:00
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria & Main Gym - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:00 to 8:00
Friday, February 14 (B Day)
- Field Trip - Robotics
- Lady Raiders Softball - Mid-Cities Classic - Colleyville HS
- Varsity Tennis - Valentine’s Tourney at Heath - Wilkerson Stadium
- United Nations rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong Club - Cafeteria - 3:00
- World Dance Company practice - Main Gym & Dance Room - 3:00
- Raider Baseball vs Canton HS - Canton - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Wylie HS - NGHS - JV2 4:45; JV 6:15; Varsity 7:45
- Raider Boys Soccer vs Wylie HS - Wylie HS - 6:15; 7:45
Saturday, February 15 - School Resource Officer Day
- Field Trip - Robotics
- Field Trip - Winterguard - NTCA Contest
- Field Trip - Speech
- Lady Raiders Softball - Mid-Cities Classic - Colleyville HS
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 8:00 to 12:00
- World Dance ADTS Competition - Legacy Mansfield
- United Nations Show - Auditorium - 6:30
Monday, February 17 - District Professional Development
- Field Trip - FTI - State TAFE
- TELPAS Window Starts
- Choir Solo & Ensemble Clinic - Choir Rooms - 7:00 to 5:00
- UIL One Act Play Clinic - Auditorium & Little Theater - 8:00 to 6:00
- Baseball vs Crowley HS - Crowley HS - Varsity 3:30 and 5:00
- 2/18 - GISD Chamber Festival
- 2/21 - GISD AVID Impact Day
- 2/22 - Visual Arts - VASE Competition - Forney ISD
- 2/26 - ASBU Heritage Night
- 2/27 - NAEP Field Test
- 3/2 - Read Across America Day
- 3/7 - Raider Band Concert - 7:00 pm
- 3/8 - GISD Dance Festival
- 3/12 - UIL One Act Play Zone Contest
- 3/27 - UIL Journalism & Computer Science Academic Contest - RHS
- 3/29 - UIL Academic Contest - RHS
- 3/29 - Coffee with the Principal
Monday, January 27, 2025
Monday, January 27 (A Day)
- Yearbook Sales - during all lunches
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room - 4:00 to 7:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:00 to 8:00
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Main Gym - 7:00 to 9:00
Tuesday, January 28 (B Day)
- Yearbook Sales - during all lunches
- Leadership meeting - Room 231 - B6
- Class of 2026 Prom Committee meeting - Library - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - Naaman Forest HS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - Naaman Forest HS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - NGHS Gyms - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Sachse HS - NGHS Field - JV2 4:30; JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:00 to 8:00
Wednesday, January 29 (A Day)
- Yearbook Sales - during all lunches
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- World Dance practice - Dance Room & Main Gym - 3:30
- Cheer practice - 4:00
- Middle School Basketball - Gyms - 5:30 & 6:30
Thursday, January 30 (B Day)
- Yearbook Sales - during all lunches
- Edgenuity Lab time - Room 102 - 3:00
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- JV Drill practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:00 to 8:00
Friday, January 31 (A Day)
- Field Trip - World Dance Company
- Higher Education Lunch Visit - Cafeteria Hallway - during all lunches
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong Club - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Rowlett HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Rowlett HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Rowlett HS - Rowlett HS - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Asian Student Association Lunar New Year Celebration - Cafeteria - 5:00 to 7:00
Saturday, February 1
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 8:00 am to Noon
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- 2/10 & 2/11 - Lady Raiders Basketball Bi-District
- 2/12 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 2/15 - School Resource Officer Day
- 2/17 - Student Holiday, Staff Development
- 2/18 - GISD Chamber Festival
- 2/22 - Visual Arts - VASE Competition - Forney ISD
- 2/27 - NAEP Field Test
Monday, January 20, 2025
Monday, January 20 - MLK Jr. Day - Student and Staff Holiday
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 8:00 am to 10:00 am
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Gyms - 10:00 am to 1:30 pm
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Main Gym - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday, January 21 (B Day)
- U.S. Marines visit - Cafeteria - during all lunches
- BETA Club Talent Show rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Drama Club event - Little Theater - 3:00
- National Honor Society meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Mam’selles rehearsal - Cafeteria - 3:30
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Sachse HS - Sachse Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Sachse HS - Sachse Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Sachse HS - NGHS Gyms - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Wylie East HS - Wylie East HS - JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria - 5:00
Wednesday, January 22 (A Day)
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- HOSA meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Step Team practice - Little Theater - 3:15
- OAP Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- JV Drill & WDC practice - Dance Room & Main Gym - 3:30
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:30
Thursday, January 23 (B Day)
- Raider Choir - Solo & Ensemble Competition Region III
- Spring Athletics Media Day - Main Gym - 9:00 am to Noon
- Edgenuity lab time - Room 102 - 3:00
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 - 3:00
- BETA Club Talent Show rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- Step Team practice - Little Theater - 3:15
- JV Drill practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & West Gym - 5:00
Friday, January 24 (A Day)
- Raider Varsity Tennis - Denton Braswell/Little Elm - Denton ISD
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Freshman Basketball vs SGHS - South Garland HS Gym - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs SGHS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30 - Senior Night
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs SGHS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00 - Senior Night
- Raider Swim Varsity & JV District Meet - GISD Natatorium - 5:00
- Talent Show hosted by BETA Club - Auditorium - 7:00
Saturday, January 25
- Raider Drill Team ADTS Timberview Competition - Arlington
- Step Team rehearsal - Auditorium - 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
- 1/31/2025 - World Dance Company competing - North Texas Folklorico Competition
- 2/10 & 2/11 - Lady Raiders Basketball Bi-District
- 2/12 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 2/15 - School Resource Officer Day
- 2/17 - Professional Staff Development - District Based
- 2/17 - TELPAS Window Starts
- 2/18 - GISD Chamber Festival
- 2/22 - Visual Arts - VASE Competition - Forney ISD
- 2/27 - NAEP Field Test
Monday, January 13, 2025
Monday, January 13 (A Day)
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Dance Room & Auditorium - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Small Gym - 5:30
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Main Gym - 7:00
Tuesday, January 14 (B Day)
- Field Trip - DECA - District 11 Career & Development Conference in Irving
- United Nations meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Drama Club meeting - Little Theater - 3:00
- Mam’selles rehearsal - Cafeteria - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Wylie East HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Wylie East HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Wylie HS - Jackson MS Gym - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Wylie HS - Wylie HS - JV2 4:45; JV 6:15; Varsity 7:45
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria - 5:00
Wednesday, January 15 (A Day)
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- World of Dance Parent Meeting - Little Theater - 5:45
Thursday, January 16 (B Day)
- JV Tennis - Irving Nimitz Tournament - Irving Nimitz
- Edgenuity Student lab time - Room 102 - 3:00
- Key Club Career Fair - Cafeteria - 3:30 to 5:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Student Council Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- JV Drill practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- Mam’selles practice - Main Gym - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Practice Gym - 5:00
Friday, January 17 (B Day)
- Yearbook Group Photos - Auditorium
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- NGHS Football Banquet - Cafeteria - 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer vs Lakeview Centennial - NGHS Field - JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
Saturday, January 18
- Speech & Debate - Plano East HS Tournament
- Cheerleading - UIL State Spirit Competition
- MLK Jr Parade - Downtown Garland (Band, Step, Cheer & Dance)
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 8:00 to Noon
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - Noon to 4:00
- Mam’selles practice - Main Gym - 1:30 to 3:30
- 1/24/2025 - BETA Club Talent Show
- 1/24/2025 - Senior Night Basketball
- 1/25/2025 - Drill Team ADTS Competition - Mansfield ISD
- 1/25/2025 - JV District Swim Meet
- 1/31/2025 - World Dance Company competing - North Texas Folklorico Competition
Monday, January 6, 2025
Monday, January 6, 2025 (Student Holiday)
- Makeup Cycle Exams - 8:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 1:00 to 3:00
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Gyms - Noon to 3:30
- Raider Boys Basketball practice - Gyms - 7:00 to 9:00
Tuesday, January 7 (B Day)
- Third Grading Cycle Begins
- Marine Representatives - Cafeteria Hallway - during all lunches
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Wylie HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Wylie HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Wylie HS - Jackson MS Gym - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria - 5:00
Wednesday, January 8 (A Day)
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
Thursday, January 9 (B Day)
- Varsity Lady Raiders Soccer vs Mesquite Tournament - TBD
- Edgenuity Lab time - Room 102 - 3:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Cafeteria & Practice Gym - 5:00
Friday, January 10 (A Day)
- Varsity Lady Raiders Soccer vs Mesquite Tournament
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Lakeview Centennial HS - LCHS - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Lakeview Centennial HS - LCHS - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Lakeview Centennial HS - NGHS Gyms - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
Saturday, January 11
- Choir Area Auditions
- Swim GISD Invitational - GISD Natatorium
- Varsity Lady Raiders Soccer vs Mesquite Tournament - TBD
- Step Team rehearsal - Auditorium - 10:00
- 1/17/2025 - Group Photos for Yearbook
- 1/17/2025 - Raider Football Banquet
- 1/18/2025 - MLK Jr. Parade - City of Garland
- 1/18/2025 - Cheerleading - UIL Spirit Competition
- 1/20/2025 - MLK Jr. Day - Student & Staff Holiday
Monday, December 16, 2024
Monday, December 16 (A Day)
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Merry Monday - Wear PJs or just wear Red
- Secret Snowman Gift - Something for Office/Classroom
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- Robotics meeting - Room 123 - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room - 3:15
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Indoor Drumline - Cafeteria & Gyms - 5:00
- Raider Band Concert - Auditorium - 7:00
Tuesday, December 17 (B Day)
- Toasty Tuesday - Wear Winter Clothes or wear Blue
- Secret Snowman Gift - Gift Card
- Leadership meeting - Room 231 - B7
- Key Club Movie event - Library - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline practice - Cafeteria/Gym - 5:00
- Freshman Basketball vs South Garland HS - NGHS Gym - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs South Garland HS - South Garland HS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs South Garland HS - South Garland HS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer Scrimmage vs Corsicana - Corsicana HS - JV 5:30; Varsity 7:00
Wednesday, December 18 (A Day)
- Workshop Wednesday - Wear a Holiday Character or wear Green/Pink
- Secret Snowman Gift - Something Festive
- Basketball practice - Practice Gym - starting 1:15
- World Dance Company rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- MST Student Association meeting - Library - 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria, Gym - 4:00
Thursday, December 19 (B Day) - B Day Exams
- Thing 1 & Thing 2 Thursday - Twin Day or wear White
- Secret Snowman Gift - Favorite Snack or Drink
- Marine CCMR visit - Cafeteria Hallway - all lunches
- Edgenuity Student worktime - Room 102 - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
- Dance Department Showcase Performance - Auditorium - 6:00
- Lady Raiders Soccer Scrimmage vs Grand Prairie - NGHS - JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
Friday, December 20 (A Day) - A Day Exams
- Fuzzy Sweater Friday or wear Yellow/Gold
- Secret Snowman Gift - Surprise Gift
- Staff Holiday Breakfast - Library - 6:45
- World Dance Company Holiday Gathering - Library - 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Freshman Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - Naaman Forest Gyms - Girls 4:30; Boys 6:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - NGHS Gyms - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Naaman Forest HS - NGHS Gym - 6:00
- End Second Cycle
Monday, December 9, 2024
Monday, December 9 (A Day)
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- HOSA Awareness Week - “Mental Health Monday” - Bring awareness to a good night’s sleep - wear appropriate PJs
- HOSA Testing - Cafeteria - 3:00 to 5:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- Class of 2026 Prom Committee meeting - Library - 3:00
- Orchestra rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room - 3:15
- Choir Regional Clinic - Choir Room - 4:00 to 7:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 5:00
- Indoor Drumline - Cafeteria & Gyms - 5:00
Tuesday, December 10 (B Day)
- HOSA Awareness Week - “Professional Tuesday” - Wear scrubs / lab coat / professional dress
- Senior Roadshow Photos - Little Theater - all day - students will have a pass to attend
- HOSA Testing - Cafeteria - 3:00 to 5:00
- Drama Club party - 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Competition Gym/Dance Room - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline practice - Cafeteria/Gym - 5:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs West Mesquite HS - West Mesquite HS - FR/JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
- Raider Orchestra Concert - Auditorium - 7:00
Wednesday, December 11 (A Day)
- HOSA Awareness Week - “Wounded Wednesday” - Wear bandages & use crutches
- HOSA Testing - Cafeteria - 3:00 to 5:00
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Practice Gym - 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 - 3:00
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- HYO Event - Little Theater - 4:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria then Gym - 4:00
Thursday, December 12 (B Day)
- HOSA Awareness Week - “Lei-Off Drugs Thursday” - Wear leis and Hawaiian wear
- HOSA Testing - Cafeteria - 3:00 to 5:00
- Edgenuity Lab - Room 102 - 3:00
- BETA Talent Show auditions - Little Theater - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- Mam’selles/JV Drill practice - Dance Room & Competition Gym - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline rehearsal - Practice Gym & Cafeteria - 5:00
- Raider Orchestra Concert - Auditorium - 7:00
Friday, December 13 (B Day)
- HOSA Awareness Week - “HOSA Day” - Wear a HOSA shirt or a Raider shirt
- JV Raider Tennis - Griswold Family Tournament - Wylie HS Founders Park
- Holiday Door Decorations need to be complete by 3:00 PM for a chance to win
- HOSA Testing - Cafeteria - 3:00 to 5:00
- Key Club Resume Writing Workshop - Library - 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Dance rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Sachse HS - NGHS - JV 4:30; Varsity 7:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Sachse HS - NGHS Gyms - Varsity 6:00
Saturday, December 14
- Raider Band - Fine Arts Wing & Practice Gym - 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 8:00 am
- 12/16 to 12/20 - Staff Secret Snowman exchange
- 12/16 - Raider Band Concert - 7:00 pm
- 12/19 - Raider Dance Showcase - 6:00 pm
- 12/19 & 12/20 - Exams
- 12/20 - End of Cycle Two
Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday, December 2 (A Day)
- Algebra 1 Retest Boot Camp - Cafeteria
- Environmental Club Meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- Robotics Meeting - Room 123 - 3:00
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - 3:00
- La Petites Practice - Dance Room - 3:15
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
- Indoor Drumline - Cafeteria & Gyms - 5:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium - 5:30
Tuesday, December 3 (B Day)
- STAAR Retest Week - English I
- NHS Meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Student Council Winter Social - Library - 3:15
- Noon Exchange Club Event (Mam’selles) - Cafeteria - 3:15
- Cheer Practice - 4:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium - 5:30
- Indoor Drumline Practice - Cafeteria - 5:00
- Ladies Basketball vs Lakeview Centennial - NGHS Gyms - FR 4:30; JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
- Raider Boys Basketball vs North Forney HS - North Forney HS - FR 5:30; JV 6:15; Varsity 7:30
Wednesday, December 4 (A Day)
- STAAR Retest Week - Algebra, Biology & US History
- Letterman Jacket Fittings (Athletics & Fine Arts) - Cafeteria Hallway - All Lunches
- Basketball Practice - Practice Gym - Starting 1:15
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 - 3:00
- Key Club Meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- World Dance Company Practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria Then Gym - 4:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium - 5:30
- World Dance Company Booster Meeting - Cafeteria - 5:45
Thursday, December 5 (B Day)
- STAAR Retest Week - English II & Biology
- U.S. Marines Visit - During All Lunches
- Edgenuity Lab time - Room 102 - 3:00
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- BETA Club Meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance Meeting - Library - 3:00
- Mam’selles Practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
- Indoor Drumline Rehearsal - Gym - 5:00
- Musical - The Lightning Thief; The Percy Jackson Musical - 7:00
Friday, December 6 (A Day)
- STAAR Retest Week - Biology & Makeup Tests
- Field Trip - Dance Department
- Key Club Resume Writing Workshop - Library - 3:00
- Badminton / Ping Pong Club - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Wylie East HS - Wylie East HS - FR 6:00; JV 5:30; Var 7:30
- Ladies Basketball vs Wylie East HS - NGHS Gyms - Var 5:30; FR/JV 7:00
- Musical - The Lightning Thief; The Percy Jackson Musical - 7:00
Saturday, December 7
- Field Trip - Step Team
Upcoming Events
- 12/9 Thru 12/13 - HOSA Testing - Cafeteria
- 12/10 - Faculty Meeting - 3:00 PM
- 12/10 - Raider Orchestra Concert - 7:00 PM
- 12/11 - Faculty Meeting - 6:45 AM
- 12/12 - Raider Choir Concert - 7:00 PM
- 12/16 - Raider Band Concert - 7:00 PM
- 12/19 - Raider Dance Showcase - 6:00 PM
- 12/19 & 12/20 - Final Exams
Monday, November 18, (A Day)
Monday, November 18 (A Day)
- Lady Raiders Basketball practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 - 3:00
- Robotics Meeting - Room 123 - 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room - 3:15
- Raider Theatre Musical rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Powder Puff practice - Football Field - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria - 4:00
Tuesday, November 19 (B Day)
- Leadership Meeting - Room 231 - B7
- Staff Thanksgiving Potluck - Library - B9
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- Raider Theatre Musical rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Powder Puff practice - Football Field - 3:30
- Field Trip - Mam’selles
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Dallas Conrad HS - Conrad HS - FR/JV 5:00; Varsity 6:30
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Wilmer Hutchinson HS - NGHS Gyms - FR/JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
Wednesday, November 20 (A Day) - Education Support Professional Day
- World Language Credit by Exam Makeup Test Day - Library
- Campus Improvement Team meeting - 3:00
- Basketball practice - Practice Gym - starting 1:15
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 - 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- DECA meeting - Library - 3:00
- All Athletes Association event - Courtyard - 3:00
- Raider Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Powder Puff practice - Football Field - 3:30
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room - 3:30
- Cheer practice - Comp Gym - 4:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball Team Meal - Cafeteria - 5:00
Thursday, November 21 (B Day)
- Field Trip - Health Science
- Marine visit - Cafeteria Hallway during all lunches
- Raider Tennis - Teacher Student Tournament - NGHS Tennis Courts - 3:00
- Edgenuity Student worktime - Room 102 - 3:00
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 - 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 - 3:00
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria - 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance meeting - Library - 3:00
- Raider Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium - 3:15
- Powder Puff practice - Football Field - 3:30
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria - 3:45
Friday, November 22 (B Day) - National Substitute Teacher Day
- Freshman & JV Raider Boys Basketball Tournament - SGHS
- JV Raider Tennis - Denton Bronco Tournament - Denton ISD
- Ethridge Elementary Turkey Trot - will be using NGHS Football Field - 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
- Powder Puff Football Game - B10 - students will have tickets to attend
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria - 3:00
- JV Drill Team Thanksgiving Party - Library - 3:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Woodrow Wilson HS - NGHS Gyms - FR/JV 6:00; Varsity 7:30
Upcoming Events
- 12/2 - Algebra 1 Retest Bootcamp - during the school day
- 12/3 thru 12/6 - STARR Retest Week
- 12/5 & 12/6 - The Lightning Thief; The Percy Jackson Musical performances 7:00 pm
- 12/9 thru 12/13 - HOSA Testing - after school in the Cafeteria
- 12/10 - Faculty Meeting 3:00 pm
- 12/10 - Fire Evacuation Drill B10 (backup day 12/11)
- 12/10 - NG Orchestra Concert 7:00 pm
- 12/11 - Faculty Meeting 6:45 am
- 12/12 - NG Choir Concert 7:00 pm
- 12/16 - NG Band Concert 7:00 pm
- 12/19 - NG Dance Showcase 6:00 pm
- 12/20 - End of Cycle Two
Monday, November 11, (A Day)
Monday, November 11 (A Day) Veteran’s Day
- Veteran’s Day Assembly - Gym 9:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball Practice - Gyms 3:00
- Environmental Club Meeting - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill Team Practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Raider Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
Tuesday, November 12 (B Day)
- Yearbook Photo Retakes - Auditorium
- AMS Testing - Cafeteria B6 & B7
- Field Trip - Choir
- United Nations Meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Basketball Practice - Gyms 3:00
- Raider Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles Practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs North Mesquite HS - NGHS Gyms - FR/JV 5:00; Varsity 6:15
- Raider Boys Basketball vs JJ Pearce HS - JJ Pearce Gyms - FR/JV 5:30; Varsity 7:00
Wednesday, November 13 (A Day)
- Senior Roadshow Yearbook Photos - Little Theater
- Basketball Practice - Practice Gym - Starting 1:15
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- HOSA Meeting - Cafeteria 3:15
- World Dance Company Practice - Dance Room 3:30
- Cheer Practice - Comp Gym 4:00
Thursday, November 14 (B Day)
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Freshman & JV Raider Boys Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Varsity Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Ranchview HS
- Varsity Raider Boys Basketball Dallas Conrad Classic Tourney - Dallas Conrad HS
- World Language Credit by Exam - Library
- Raider Theatre Rehearsal - Little Theater 3:00
- Edgenuity Student Worktime - Room 102 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- BETA Club Meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance Meeting - Library 3:00
- ASA General Meeting - Library 3:30
- Mam’selles Practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Mam’selles Booster Club Meeting - Little Theater 6:30
- MST Open House - 6:30
Friday, November 15 (A Day)
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Freshman & JV Raider Boys Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Varsity Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Ranchview HS
- Varsity Raider Boys Basketball Dallas Conrad Classic Tourney - Dallas Conrad HS
- Field Trip - AVID
- Parson Pre-K Turkey Trot - NGHS Football Field 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
- Class of 2026 Slime Event - Cafeteria 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- Cheer Social - Cafeteria 6:00
- Swim Meet - Non-TISCA - Lewisville -West HS 6:00
Saturday, November 16
- Field Trip - AVID
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Freshman & JV Raider Boys Basketball Tournament - Kemp HS
- Varsity Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament - Ranchview HS
- Varsity Raider Boys Basketball Dallas Conrad Classic Tourney - Dallas Conrad HS
- Football Saturday Practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Raider Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium, Little Theater 8:30
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Richardson HS @ Richardson HS - JV1 1:00 / Varsity 2:30
Upcoming Events
- 11/22 - Powder Puff Football Game B10
- 11/25 thru 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 4, (A Day)
Monday, November 4 (A Day)
- Field Trip - Student Council
- Lady Raiders Basketball Practice - Gyms 3:00
- Robotics Meeting - Room 123 3:00
- Lady Raiders Volleyball & Basketball Practices - Gyms - Starting 1:15
- Environmental Club Meeting - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill Team Practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Marching Raider Band Practice - Grid Parking Lot - 3:15
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria 4:00
Tuesday, November 5 - Student Holiday
- Field Trip - Student Council
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs West Mesquite - NGHS Gyms - 9 / JV 5:00; Varsity 6:30
Wednesday, November 6 (A Day)
- College Representatives - UTD - Library A1 & A2
- ACDEC District Competition - NGHS 3:00 to 8:00 Cafeteria, Room 305, Room 500, and HST Classrooms
- Basketball Practice - Practice Gym - Starting 1:15
- AVID Site Team Meeting - Library 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- NGHS Athletes Association Event - Courtyard 3:00
- Key Club Meeting - Cafeteria 3:15
- Diwali Lantern Painting Social - Room 113 3:30
- JV Drill Practice - Dance Room 4:00
- World Dance Company Practice - Comp Gym 5:00
- WDC Booster Meeting - Little Theater 5:45
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Raider Swim Meet vs Lakeview & Richardson HS - GISD Natatorium 6:00
Thursday, November 7 (B Day)
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Scrimmage @ Rowlett HS
- JV Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament @ South Garland HS
- Field Trip - Art 1
- NorthCella during B10
- Edgenuity Student Lab time - Room 102 3:00
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 3:00
- Football Study Hall/Team Dinner - Cafeteria 3:00
- Lady Raiders Basketball Practice - Gyms 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- Student Council Meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance Meeting - Library 3:00
- Raider Marching Band Practice - 3:15
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles Practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Freshman Football Game vs Garland HS @ NGHS Stadium 5:30
Friday, November 8 (B Day)
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Scrimmage @ Rowlett HS
- JV Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament @ South Garland HS
- Field Trip - Robotics
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - 3:00
- Badminton / Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- MSTSA Meeting - Library 3:00
- Raider Band - Auditorium 4:00
- Lady Raiders Varsity Basketball vs Sam Houston @ NGHS Gym 5:30
- Raider Varsity Football vs Garland HS @ Williams Stadium 7:00 - Senior Night
Saturday, November 9
- Football Saturday Practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Freshmen Lady Raiders Basketball Scrimmage @ Rowlett HS
- JV Lady Raiders Basketball Tournament @ South Garland HS
- ACDEC District Contest hosted by NGHS - Competition Gym, Cafeteria, Room 305, Room 500 Hall, and HST Classrooms
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 9:00
- Theatre Rehearsal Work Day - Auditorium, Little Theater 9:00
- Raider Boys Basketball vs Richardson HS @ Richardson HS - JV1 1:00 / Varsity 2:30
Monday, October 28 (A Day)
Monday, October 28 (A Day)
- Red Ribbon Dress Days - “Check Yourself; Don’t Wreck Yourself” - Wear a Checkered Shirt
- EOC Mock ELAR Testing
- Elective Fair - Auditorium during the school day
- JV Tennis at Wylie Invitational Tournament
- Lady Raiders Basketball Scrimmage @ Frisco Independence HS
- Field Trip - Student Council - American Airlines 3:00
- Lady Raiders Volleyball & Basketball Practices - Gyms - starting 1:15
- Environmental Club Meeting - Room 501 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria 4:00
Tuesday, October 29 (B Day)
- Red Ribbon Dress Days - “Friends Don’t Let Friends Do Drugs!” - Wear the Same Outfit as a Friend or Group of Friends
- EOC Mock ELAR Testing
- Elective Fair - Auditorium during the school day
- Field Trip - Student Assisting with Explore GISD @ CCC
- Field Trip - DECA @ UT at Dallas
- Leadership Meeting - Room 231 B2
- College Visit Speaker - UNT - Library B10
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - starting 1:15
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 3:00
- Marching Band Practice - Grid Parking Lot - 3:15
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles Practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria 4:00
- Lady Raiders Volleyball vs Wylie East HS @ Wylie East HS JV 5:30 / Varsity 6:30
- AVID 10th & 11th Grade Family Night - Auditorium, Library, Cafeteria, Rooms L5, 509, 600, 603, 604, 605, 606 - 5:30
Wednesday, October 30 (A Day)
- Red Ribbon Dress Days - “We Declare War on Drugs!” - Wear Camouflage
- EOC Mock Biology & US History Testing
- Field Trip - Student Assisting with Explore GISD @ CCC
- Field Trip - Choir All-Region Choir Clinic @ Mesquite HS 8:30
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - starting 1:15
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria 4:00 to 6:00
Thursday, October 31 (B Day)
- Red Ribbon Dress Days - “Shoe Your Good Character” - Dress as Your Favorite Storybook Character
- EOC Mock Algebra 1 Testing
- GISD Media Day with Athletics - Competition Gym 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- Basketball Practice - Gyms - starting 1:15
- Edgenuity Student Worktime - Room 103 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance Meeting - Library 3:00
- Marching Band Practice - Grid Parking Lot - 3:15
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- ASA General Meeting - Library 3:25
- Freshman Football Game vs Rowlett @ RHS Stadium 5:30
- Halloween Bash Sponsored by StuCo - Cafeteria 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM (set up begins at 3:00)
Friday, November 1 (B Day)
- Red Ribbon Dress Days - “Be Ready to Be Drug Free!” - Wear Red
- EOC Mock Testing Make-Up Day
- AVID Site Team Meeting - 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- Marching Band Practice - Grid Parking Lot - 3:15
- Band - Auditorium 4:00
- Field Trip - Theatre @ Dallas Theatre Center
- Lady Raiders Basketball vs Wilmer-Hutchins @ NGHS Gyms JV 6:00 & Varsity 7:30
- Varsity Football vs Rowlett HS @ HBJ Stadium 7:00
Saturday, November 2
- Football Saturday Practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Coffee with the Principal - Cafeteria 9:00
- Raider Boys Basketball Scrimmage @ North Mesquite HS 10:00
- ACDEC Math Tutoring Session - Room 305 10:00
- Field Trip - World Dance Company - Downtown Garland 4:00
Upcoming Events
- 11/6 - GISD Academic Decathlon - 305, 500 Hall Classrooms, HST Wing Rooms, Cafeteria, Library & Main Gym (Saturday)
- 11/12 - Yearbook Photo Retake Day
- 11/13 - Senior Roadshow Yearbook Photos
- 11/14 - MST Open House 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
- 11/22 - Powder Puff Football Game B10
Monday, October 21 (A Day)
Monday, October 21 (A Day)
- Homecoming Spirit Week: MOVIE MONDAY or Wear WHITE - Dress up as your favorite movie character
- Second Cycle Grading Period Begins
- Test Day Dry Run - A5
- Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Robotic meeting - Room 123 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- World Dance Company rehearsal - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre Musical rehearsal - Choir Room 3:15
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 4:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room/Gyms 5:30
- Lady Raiders Basketball Parent meeting - Little Theatre 5:30
Tuesday, October 22 (B Day)
- Homecoming Spirit Week: SOCCER MOM vs. BBQ DAD or Wear RED
- Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- College Visit - Graduate America Beauty College at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- United Nations meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- National Honor Society meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Volleyball vs Lakeview Centennial @ LCHS 9 JV 5:30 / Varsity 6:30
Wednesday, October 23 Testing Day
- Homecoming Spirit Week: RHYME WITHOUT REASON or Wear PINK - Two people dress together with two different things that rhyme (ex. Aquatic & Patriotic)
- PSAT / SAT Testing Day
- Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00 to 6:30
- Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- Campus Improvement meeting - 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- World Dance practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Cheer Practice - Cafeteria 4:00 to 6:00
- UIL Band Marching Contest - Mesquite Stadium 5:30
Thursday, October 24 (B day)
- Homecoming Spirit Week: FRAT OUT! Or Wear BLUE - Dress like you are in a fraternity or sorority - NO SOLO CUPS
- Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- Football Booster Spirit Wear on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Edgenuity student worktime - Room 103 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Ladies Basketball Parent Meeting - Little Theatre 5:30
- Freshman Football Game vs Naaman Forest @ NGHS Stadium 5:30
Friday, October 25 (A day)
- Homecoming Spirit Week: SPIRIT DAY! Or Wear BLACK
- ACDEC Field Trip - Rockwall HS
- Homecoming Dance Tickets on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- Football Booster Spirit Wear on Sale at all lunches - Cafeteria Hallway
- Pep Rally (Homecoming) - A5
- MSTSA meeting - Library 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball vs Naaman Forest HS @ NGHS - Varsity 5:30 & 9/JV 6:30 SENIOR NIGHT
- Varsity Homecoming Football vs Naaman Forest HS @ Williams Stadium 7:00
Saturday, October 26
- ACDEC Field Trip - Rockwall HS
- GISD Swim Dive Meet @ Lewisville West
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Ladies Basketball NG Community Mesquite Scrimmage @ NGHS Gyms 7:00 AM
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 - 8:00 AM
- Homecoming Dance - Cafeteria 7:00 PM
- 10/28 & 10/29 - Elective Fair (Auditorium)
- 10/29 - Explore GISD, Culwell Center, 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM
- 10/29 - AVID 10th & 11th Grade Family Night 5:30 PM
- 10/31 - Halloween Bash hosted by Student Council 5:30 PM
- 11/2 - Coffee with the Principal 9:00 AM
Monday, October 7, 2024
Monday, October 7 (A Day)
- Tennis Bi-District meet
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Robotic meeting - Room 123 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- Homecoming Mum Help - Science Room 2 & 3 3:00
- World Dance Company rehearsal - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre Musical rehearsal - Choir Room 3:15
Tuesday, October 8 (B Day)
- Blood Drive - Small Gym - (pass required)
- Tennis Bi-District meet
- Field Trip - Yearbook
- Homecoming Mum Help - Science Room 2 & 3 3:00
- United Nations meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Broadcast Club meeting - Room 125 3:00
- JV Drill Team Event - Cafeteria 3:00
- Band practice - Parking Lot “The Grid” 3:00
- Musical Rehearsal - Choir Room 3:15
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room 3:45
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Volleyball vs Garland at GHS 9th & JV 5:30 and Varsity 6:30
- Jackson MS Choir Concert - Auditorium 7:00
Wednesday, October 9 (A Day)
- Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration - Library 11:00
- Homecoming Mum Help - Science Room 2 & 3 3:00
- TSIA Testing - Rooms S232, 234, 238 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Choir Room 3:15
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room 3:15
- UN Hispanic Heritage Event - Library 5:00
- Latin Read In - Cafeteria 6:00
- NGHS Orchestra Concert - Auditorium 7:00
Thursday, October 10 (B Day)
- Parson Pre-K Field Day - NGHS Football Field 7:30 to 12:30
- Homecoming Mum Help - Science Room 2 & 3 3:00
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- PRIDE Alliance meeting - Library 3:00
- DECA meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Theatre Musical Rehearsal - Choir Room 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Freshman Football Game at Sachse HS 5:30
- World Dance Company performance at Jackson MS 6:30
- NGHS Choir Concert - Auditorium 7:00
Friday, October 11 (B Day) - End of First Cycle
- Field Trip - Small Animals class
- Barbie’s Pink Out Pep Rally - B10
- College Visit - A&M College Station - Library B10
- Homecoming Mum Help - Science Room 2 & 3 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- Key Club Pumpkin Carving - Cafeteria 3:15
- Volleyball vs Sachse HS at NGHS Varsity 5:30 & 9/JV 6:30
- Varsity Football vs Sachse HS at Williams Stadium 7:00
Saturday, October 12
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Field Trip - World Dance Company
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room/Comp Gym 11:30 to 5:30
- 10/17 - Varsity Football Game - Time Change to 5:30 PM
- 10/18 - Homecoming Decoration set up
- 10/21 - Cycle 2 grading period begins
- Week of October 21 - Homecoming Week
- 10/21 - PSAT Test Dry Run - A5
- 10/23 - District Testing Day
- 10/23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10/28 & 10/29 - Elective Fair
Monday, September 30, 2024
Monday, September 30 (A Day)
- Blood Drive signup - all lunches
- TSIA Training Test Prep - Library 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- La Petites rehearsal - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre rehearsal - Little Theatre 3:15
- Raider Orchestra event - Fine Arts Wing 3:30
Tuesday, October 1 (B Day) - National Principal Month
- Blood Drive signup - all lunches
- US Marine Visit - all lunches
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 232, 234, 238 3:00
- National Honor Society meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Drama Club Event - Little Theatre 3:00
- Raider Band practice - 3:00
- La Petites practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Volleyball vs Rowlett @ NGHS 9th & JV 5:30 and Varsity 6:30 - Pink Out Game
Wednesday, October 2 (A Day) - School Custodian Day
- Blood Drive signup - all lunches
- AVID Site Team meeting - Library 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Musical Rehearsal - Choir Room 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- HOSA meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Lady Raiders Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room 3:15
- Field Trip - World Dance Company
Thursday, October 3 (B Day)
- Field Trip AVID
- Field Trip - World Dance Company
- Wichita State University College Visit - Library B7
- Blood Drive signup - all lunches
- PBIS meeting - Room 123 3:00
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- GSA meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Class of 2026 Prom Committee meeting - Library 3:30
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
Friday, October 4 (A Day)
- UTA College Visit - Library A2
- Blood Drive signup - all lunches
- Dunkin Donut Special Event during all lunches
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- MSTSA meeting - Library 3:00
Saturday, October 5 - World Teacher Day
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- TSIA Testing - Rooms 310, 311, 312 8:00
- NGHS Dance Day - Competition Gym 9:00
- 10/8 - Blood Drive
- 10/9 - Latin Read-In
- 10/9 - Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
- 10/11 - Pink Out Pep Rally B10
- 10/11 - End of Cycle 1
- Week of October 14 - Fall Break
- Week of October 21 - Homecoming Week
- 10/23 - District Testing Day
- 10/23 - Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10/28 & 10/29 - Elective Fair
Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday, September 23 (A Day)
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Robotic Meeting - Room 123 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill Team rehearsal - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
Tuesday, September 24 (B Day)
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- UN meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Band practice - 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Varsity Tennis vs Rowlett HS @ RHS 3:30
- Volleyball vs Naaman Forest @ NFHS 9th & JV 5:30 and Varsity 6:30
Wednesday, September 25 (A Day)
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- 2025 Prom Committee meeting - Library 3:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- World Dance Company practice - Dance Room 3:15
- 9th-grade Football vs Wylie East @ Wylie ISD Pirate Stadium 5:30
Thursday, September 26 (B day)
- Raider Theatre Performances for GISD elementary students - 10:00 AM
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- A&M Commerce College Visit - Library B10
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- GSA meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Asian Student Association - Library 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- JV Tennis vs Rowlett HS @ NGHS 3:30
- Varsity Football vs Wylie East HS - Wylie ISD Stadium 7:00
- Raider Theatre Performance of Wacky World of Wonka - Auditorium 7:00
Friday, September 27 (B day)
- Raider Theatre Performances for GISD elementary students - 10:00 AM and 12:45 PM
- Swim Spirit/Dive Meet - GISD Natatorium 10:00 AM
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- Badminton / Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- Tennis vs Garland HS @ NGHS 3:00 - Senior Night
- Water Polo vs Sachse @ GISD Natatorium 4:00
- Volleyball vs Wylie East HS @ WEHS - Varsity 5:30 & 9/JV 6:30
- Raider Theatre Performance of Wacky World of Wonka - Auditorium 7:00
Saturday, September 28
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Choir Field Trip
- 10/1 October Fire / Shelter Drill (rain date 10/2) B6
- 10/2 & 10/3 Yearbook Photo Retakes & Staff Photos
- 10/8 - Blood Drive
- 10/11 - Pep Rally B10
- 10/11 - End of Cycle 1
- Week of October 14 - Fall Break
- Week of October 21 - Homecoming Week
- 10/23 - District Testing Day
- 10/30 - Parent Teacher Conferences
Monday, September 16, 2024
Monday, September 16 (A Day)
- Dallas College representatives - All Lunches
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Musical Interest meeting - Choir Room 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill Team rehearsal - Dance Room 3:15
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 4:00
- NHS Induction Ceremony - Cafeteria 6:00
Tuesday, September 17 (B Day)
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Broadcast Club meeting - Room 125 3:00
- Band practice 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Varsity Tennis vs South Garland HS @ SGHS 3:30
- Volleyball vs South Garland @ NGHS 9th & JV 5:30 and Varsity 6:30
Wednesday, September 18 (A Day)
- Field Trip AVID 2
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- College Visit - Brown University - Room 513 - A5
- Campus Improvement Team meeting - 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- DECA meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- AVID Family Night - Auditorium, Cafeteria, Library, Rooms 600, 603, 604, 605, 608 - 5:30
- 9th-grade Football vs Lakeview @ HBJ Stadium 5:30
- Water Polo vs Garland HS - GISD Natatorium 6:00
Thursday, September 19 (B Day)
- Marine Corp representatives All Lunches
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- GSA meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- JV Tennis vs South Garland HS @ NGHS 3:30
- Varsity Football vs Lakeview HS - Williams Stadium 7:00
Friday, September 20 (A Day)
- Josten All Lunches
- Blood Drive signup - All Lunches
- Musical Auditions - Choir Room 3:00
- Badminton/Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Dungeons & Dragons - Cafeteria 3:00
- JV/Varsity Tennis vs Naaman Forest @ NGHS 3:30
- Water Polo vs Sachse @ GISD Natatorium 4:00
- Volleyball vs Lakeview @ NGHS - Varsity 5:30 & 9/JV 6:30 - Teacher Appreciation Night
- Water Polo vs Garland HS @ GISD Natatorium 6:00
Saturday, September 21
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Coffee with the Principal - Cafeteria 9:00 AM
- 9/26 & 9/26 - Raider Theatre presents Wacky World of Wonka
- 10/2 & 10/3 Yearbook Photo Retakes & Staff Photos
- Fall Break - Week of October 14
- Homecoming Week - Week of October 21
Monday, September 9, 2024
Monday, September 9 (A Day)
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotic meeting - Room 123 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
Tuesday, September 10 (B Day)
- College Exploration - Library 9:30 - Princeton University
- Faculty meeting - Library 3:00
- United Nations meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance Room 3:30
- Band practice 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Varsity Tennis vs Sachse at NGHS 3:30
- Volleyball at Sachse HS 9th & JV 5:30 and Varsity 6:30
Wednesday, September 11 (A Day)
- Faculty meeting - Library 6:45
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- Key Club Social - Courtyard 3:15
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- World Dance practice - Dance Room 3:30
- Water Polo vs Sachse HS - GISD Natatorium 4:00
Thursday, September 12 (B Day)
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- GSA meeting - Room 129 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- JV Tennis at Sachse HS 3:30
- 9th Grade Football vs Wylie HS at Wylie Pirate Stadium 5:30
Friday, September 13 (B Day)
- B7 Josten Assembly
- Swim GISD 100 meet - GISD Natatorium 11:00
- B10 Pep Rally - Beach Theme - tickets required
- Badminton Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Key Club Regional Training Conference - Cafeteria 4:00
- Raider Band pregame - Auditorium 4:00
- Volleyball at Wylie HS - Varsity 5:30 and 9 JV 6:30
- Water Polo vs South Grand Prairie HS at GISD Natatorium 6:00
- Varsity Football vs Wylie HS - Wylie Stadium 7:00
Saturday, September 14
- Indoor Drumline Competition at Community HS
- Football Saturday practice - Football Field 6:30 AM
- Theatre Work Day - Auditorium and Little Theater 9:00 AM
- Field Trip - JV Drill and World Dance
September 18 - 9th grade AVID Family Night
September 26 and 27 - Raider Theatre presents Wacky World of Wonka
Monday, September 2, 2024
Monday, September 2 - Student & Staff Holiday (Labor Day)
- Labor Day Parade - Downtown Garland - starts at 9 AM
- Volleyball practice - West Gym & Main Gym 9 AM to 11 AM
- Mam’selles practice - Main Gym noon to 1:45 PM
Tuesday, September 3 (B Day)
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Class of 2026 Prom Meeting - Library 3:00
- Volleyball practice - West Gym & Main Gym 3:00
- Drama Club meeting - Little Theater 3:00
- JV Drill Team practice - Dance room 3:30
- Band practice - parking lot “The Grid” - 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:45
Wednesday, September 4 (A Day)
- Field Trip - FTI
- PBIS meeting - room 103 3:00
- AVID Site Team meeting - Library 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- HOSA meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - West & Main Gyms 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:00
- World Dance practice - Dance room 3:30
- World Dance Company Parent Meeting - Cafeteria 5:30
- Water Polo vs Garland HS - GISD Natatorium 6:00
Thursday, September 5 (B day)
- Senior Class Yearbook Photos - Little Theater
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- Theatre rehearsal - Auditorium 3:15
- Volleyball practice - West Gym & Main Gym 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- 9th Grade Football vs Lake Highlands HS @ Ram Wildcat Stadium 5:30
Friday, September 6 (A day)
- MST Student Association meeting - Library 3:00
- Badminton / Ping Pong - Cafeteria 3:00
- Raider Band pregame - Auditorium 4:00
- Volleyball vs Garland HS - Varsity 5:30 & 9/JV 6:30
- Varsity Football vs Lake Highlands HS - Ram / Wildcat Stadium 7:00
Saturday, September 7
- Choral District All-State auditions
- Volleyball GISD Freshmen Tourney @ Garnad HS
- Football Saturday practice - NGHS field 6:30 AM
- Water Polo vs Garland HS - GISD Natatorium 11:00 AM
- 9/13 - B7 Assemblies for Seniors & Juniors
- 9/13 - B10 Pep Rally
- 9/18 - 9th grade AVID Family Night
- 9/26 - Raider Theatre production
Monday, August 26, 2024
Monday, August 26 (A day)
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- Robotics meeting - Room 123 3:00
- JV Drill practice - Dance room 3:30
Tuesday, August 27 (B day)
- Varsity Tennis vs Wylie East HS @ Wylie East
- Leadership meeting - Room 231 9:00 AM
- DECA Interest meeting - Library 3:00
- Theatre Auditions for Wacky World of Wonka - Auditorium 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Band practice - 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Volleyball vs Rowlett @ Rowlett HS - JV 5:30; Var 6:30
- Football Parent meeting - Cafeteria 6:30
Wednesday, August 28 (A day)
- Underclass & Staff Yearbook Photos - West Gym (during ELA classes)
- Prom Committee meeting - Room Sc2 3:00
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00 to 5:00
- Key Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- Football Study Hall - Cafeteria 3:00
- World of Dance practice - Dance room 3:00
- Water Polo vs Sachse - GISD Natatorium 4:30
Thursday, August 29 (B day)
- Underclass & Staff Yearbook Photos - West Gym (during ELA classes)
- Student Council meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- Choir Retreat - Choir Room 3:00 & Cafeteria 3:30
- Theatre rehearsal - Little Theater 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45
- Band practice - Auditorium 4:00
- JV Tennis vs Wylie East HS @ NGHS 4:30
- Varsity Football vs McKinney Boyd @ McKinney ISD Stadium 7:00
Friday, August 30 (A day)
- Water Polo vs John Paul II @ GISD Natatorium 12:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00
- World Dance rehearsal - Cafeteria 3:00
- Water Polo vs Ryan HS @ GISD Natatorium 5:00
- Volleyball vs Wilmer Hutchins @ NGHS 9/JV 5:30; Var 6:30
Saturday, August 31
- Water Polo Tournament @ GISD Natatorium
- Football practice - NGHS 6:30 AM to 1:00 PM
- ACDEC - Cafeteria 7:30
- Orchestra Uniform Day - Orchestra Room 8:00 to 5:00
- Football Photo Day - Main Gym 8:00 to noon
- Class of 2025 will be painting parking lot spaces from 8:00 to noon
Upcoming Events
- 9/2 Labor Day Parade 9:00 AM - NGHS is the sixth school marching
- 9/5 & 9/6 Senior Class Yearbook photos
Monday, August 19, 2024
Monday, August 19 (A day)
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00 to 5:00
- Volleyball practice - Main Gym & West Gym 3:00 to 5:00
- Environmental Club meeting - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill practice - Dance room 3:30 to 5:30
Tuesday, August 20 (B day)
- Faculty Meeting - Library 2:55
- Drama Club meeting - Little Theater 3:00
- NHS meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- UN meeting - Cafeteria 3:15
- Volleyball practice - Main Gym & West Gym 3:00 to 5:00
- JV Drill practice - Dance room 3:30 to 5:30
- Band practice - 3:00 to 6:00
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45 to 5:45
- Varsity Tennis vs Lakeview Centennial @ NGHS 3:30
- Volleyball vs Ranchview @ Ranchview HS JV 5:30; Var 6:30
- PTECH & ECHS Parent meeting - Auditorium 5:00
Wednesday, August 21 (A day)
- Faculty Meeting - Library 6:45
- Field Trip - ECHS/PTECH @ Dallas College 9 AM to 2 PM
- WDC - Cafeteria hallway during all lunches
- Campus Improvement Team meeting 2:55
- Cheer practice - Cafeteria 3:00 to 5:00
- HOSA meeting - Cafeteria 3:00
- Robotics Open Build Session - Room 123 3:00
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- TSIA-2 Proctor Training - Library 3:00
- Fine Arts Social 3:00 to 4:30
Thursday, August 22 (B day)
- Volleyball Tournament @ Dallas Molina
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- BETA Club meeting - Cafeteria 3:00 to 3:30
- Asian Student Association interest meeting - Room 304 3:00
- Chess Club - Room 501 3:00
- JV Drill - Dance room 3:30 to 5:30
- Mam’selles practice - Cafeteria 3:45 to 5:45
- Band practice - 3:00 to 6:00
- JV Tennis vs Wylie HS @ NGHS 3:30
Friday, August 23 (B day)
- Track Meet @ Tyler ISD
- Volleyball practice - Gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- Band Showcase - NGHS Field & Auditorium 3:00 to 9:00
Saturday, August 24
- Volleyball Varsity Tournament @ Dallas Molina
- Football practice - Field 6:30 AM to 1:00 PM
- Coffee with the Principal 9:00
- Football Parent Meeting - Main Gym 10:30
- Choir Boot Camp - Auditorium, Choir room & Orchestra hall 11:30 to 3:30
Upcoming Events
- 8/28 and 8/29 School Yearbook Photos
- 8/29 Football Game
- 9/2 Labor Day Parade
Monday, August 12, 2024
Monday, August 12 (A day)
- First Day of Classes
- Cheer practice -cafe 3:00 to 5:00
- Volleyball practice -both gyms 3:00 to 5:00
Tuesday, August 13 (B day)
- Varsity Tennis vs Wylie HS @ Wylie HS
- Volleyball practice -both gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- Volleyball vs W Mesquite @ NGHS JV 5:30; Var 6:30
Wednesday, August 14 (A day)
- Class of 2025 popsicle social -courtyard3:00
- Cheer practice -cafe 3:00 to 5:00
- Volleyball practice -both gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- Fine Arts Officers meeting -Little Theatre 3:00 to 4:00
Thursday, August 15 (B day)
- Volleyball practice -both gyms 3:00 to 5:00
- Student Council meeting -cafeteria 3:00 to 3:30
- Thespian meeting -Little Theatre 3:00 to 4:00
- JV Tennis vs Wylie HS @ NGHS 3:30
Friday, May 16 (A day)
- Senior Sunrise -football field 6:15 AM
- Volleyball GISD Tournament @ Sachse & Rowlett
- Choir Clinic -choir room 3:00 to 5:00
- Volleyball practice -both gyms 3:00 to 5:00
Saturday, August 17
- Volleyball GISD Tournament @ Sachse & Rowlett
- Football practice -field 6:30 AM
Upcoming Events
- 8/20 Fire & Shelter Evacuation drills -A5
- 8/21 Rain Day Fire & Evacuation drills -A5
- 8/20 Faculty Meeting -2:55 PM
- 8/21 Faculty Meeting -6:45 AM
- 8/24 Coffee with the Principal -Seniors -9:00 AM