Lunch visitors
Hello Northlake Families!
Testing season is ramping up for us at Northlake, and as a result, we will have some changes to Friday lunches periodically.
Due to testing for various grade levels, we will not have lunch visitors on 02/21, 02/28
Thank you for always being so patient, flexible, and understanding. You make Northlake great!"
Tell your school story
Do you have story you would like to share about one of our staff members, our school or our community? Please use the link below to scan our QR code to tell your story! We are better together!
Parent involvement policy
Northlake Elementary School recognizes that a child’s education is a responsibility shared by the school and family during the entire period the child spends in school. To support the goal that all children succeed academically and in life, the school and parents must work together as partners.;
GISD student policy page
You can find more information regarding Acceptable Use Policy, Student Code of Conduct Handbook, Bring Your Own Device and several more on the district's policies page.
Need help with district devices?
For technology help with district-provided Chromebooks, mobile hotspots and iPads, see our page Technology support: Get help with district devices. There, you can find the support request form and resources for setting up and using district-provided technology.