Our counselors
Counselor | Alpha | Phone | Extention |
Lavashia Graham
A-Go | 972-279-6103 | 50813 |
Tammy Wheeler
Gr-Pat | 972-279-6103 | 50814 |
Shaneia Smith
Paw-Z | 972-279-6103 | 50826 |
O'Banion Middle School Counseling Program Vision Statement
The vision of O’Banion’s School Counseling department is to promote an environment that encourages personal inquiry and growth, social responsibility, and academic excellence for all scholars in the 21st Century.
O'Banion Middle School Counseling Program Mission Statement
The mission of the O’Banion Middle School Counseling program is to provide a proactive, comprehensive, and developmentally appropriate program to ensure every scholar is college, career, and military-ready while supporting their personal and social-emotional needs.
Our Role:
Counselors meet with students in large groups, small groups, and individually to implement the counseling program by providing:
- Academic planning
- Organization, study, and test-taking strategies
- Academic support interventions
- Transition planning
- Career planning
- Education in understanding self and others
- Coping strategies
- Peer relationships and effective social skills
- Communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution
- Substance Abuse Education
- Crisis Intervention
Counselors collaborate and consult with parents to address:
- Academic planning and support
- Educational Planning for High School
- School-to-parent communications and concerns
- Referral process
Family Matters Newsletter (linked)
Check out what is happening at O’Banion Middle School monthly to stay connected.
How can I meet with my counselor?
Students can sign up for an appointment time. Once a student completes the Counselor Referral sheet, they can drop it in their Counselor’s box near their office, and the Counselor will call them down.
Parents can send an email, call the front office, or call the counselor directly to schedule an appointment with their student’s counselor.
Just call 972-279-6103.
Zero tolerance bullying policy
At O'Banion, we have zero tolerance for bullying. The district website has very valuable information in regards to what the warning signs are, the HERO program and what you can do if you feel that your child is being bullied. Our counselors have the training necessary to effectively counsel children who are the victims of bullying. Additionally, they are able to offer counseling to the bullies. IF you feel that your child is being bullied or is a bully, please do not hesitate to reach out to our counselors.
Pause before you post!
The use of social media is so prevalent with today's students. Many students are more focused in the moment than the bigger picture when it comes to social media. It is very important that parents remind their children that the internet can have many consequences, some that we might not even think of.
Here's a short video put together by our counselors that stresses the importance of thinking about the repercussions of posting hurtful messages.
No student should be subjected to bullying or harassment that interferes with their ability to learn or their safety.
Visit the Bullying Prevention and Investigation page on the district website for more information and resources.
Anonymous Alerts®
You can use the Anonymous Alerts® webform or mobile app to quickly, easily and anonymously report bullying, cyberbullying and other sensitive topics to school officials.
Anonymous Alerts® is monitored by GISD Security 24-hours daily and should only be used for serious and urgent matters. In the event of an emergency or life-threatening event, always call 911.
Download the app
To place a report from a mobile device, first download the free Anonymous Alerts® app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. Then open the app and enter activation code garlandisd.
Request accommodations for testing
Students with documented disabilities have the opportunity to request assistance for their tests in the form of an accommodation.
See the PSAT and SAT page on the district website for more information.