
Library entrance at the top of Cafe stairs
RHS library reading nook
Library computer stations for student use
Library fiction section

Library Staff

Angie Green, Librarian

Dennis Crain, Library Assistant


Library hours

Day Hours
Monday - Thursday 6:45 a.m.-2:55 p.m.
Friday 6:45 a.m.-2:52  p.m.

Cover to Cover Student Book Club

This club is open to all students! Our goal is to share our love of great books and make new friends. We meet once a month on a Thursday before school in the library (snacks are provided).

For more information and specific dates, visit the RHS Library Canvas page.

ALE Story Time

Each week ALE students explore the world through books with read alouds with our librarian, Mrs. Green.
ALE library story time
ALE library story time
ALE library story time
ALE library story time

Frequently asked questions

Library catalogs

library catalog logo

Find books, ebooks, and other resources by visiting your school's library catalog. If you need help with any of these resources, please contact your school librarian.

Online instructional resources

Online Instructional Resources are available to all students, teachers, parents, and administrators from any district or non-district computer.

Local library links


Recommended Summer Reading

Studies have shown that students who read outside of school can have increased growth in vocabulary, reading comprehension, and verbal fluency. Students who read independently, not only become better readers by score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas. 

Looking for a book to read? Try one of the books on these reading lists:

Reading with myON is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Log in
    • Go to Clever
    • Log in with your student school username and school password
    • New users will be prompted to take an interest inventory and Lexile placement assessment to get started. 
  2. Select books 
    • From your dashboard, students can select recommended books that match their interests and reading level. You can also browse and search the entire collection and tag books to add to their own lists for future reading. 
  3. Start reading! 
    • The book reader allows you to select reading supports including audio, text highlighting and an embedded dictionary for any book you choose to read. 

Why should you read with myON?

  • You can choose from thousands of digital books
  • Available 24/7, year-round for independent reading and school assignments 
  • You can read online on any wed-enabled device, including tablets, notebooks and desktop computers 
  • Download up to 20 books at a time to read offline
  • Free mobile apps from iPads, Android devices, Chromebooks and Kindle Fire HD