1:1 Technology Program

About the Devices 

The 1:1 program provides students with access to digital learning resources including online textbooks, creation, communication, collaboration and productivity tools. This program is standard for all Garland ISD students. Students are encouraged to take advantage of the variety of digital learning resources that they have access to in their classes. 

The goal of our 1:1 program is to empower students to gain the skills and knowledge they need to achieve academic success and prepare them for our ever increasing globally connected society.

The 1:1 program provides a Chromebook to every 3rd-12th grade student and an iPad for PreK-2nd grade students for use throughout the day. Students will be issued a specific device assigned exclusively to them. Each device will have an asset tag which is scanned and assigned in our inventory system to each student. Students will receive instruction on the proper use and care of their assigned Chromebook. 

Opting In

All students are opted in to the program when they enroll in Garland ISD. Secondary students will take their device to and from school every day. Elementary students will leave their device on campus in a secured charging cart.

Students will use the TechHelp service requests to get technical support on campus and online. Each campus will have 1:1 Technical Support to support the student devices.


1:1 Technology Campus Support Team 

Title Name
Assistant Principal Jena Montgomery
Instructional Coach Zach Baudoin
Campus Technology Specialist Cristina Salcedo
Field Service Technician Frank Farfan
Instructional Research & Library Media Specialist Angie Green